Stay Positive

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"Daniel is improving. His vitals are stable. But still, he is not fully recovered." The doctor said to Jezebel

"Can I see him, sir?" She asked.

"Not now Jezebel. He is sleeping due to the sedatives effect. You can see him during the visiting hours."

The doctor walked away and Jezebel glanced at the ICU door. She wants to be with him but right now she has other things to take care of. Hesitantly, Jezebel walked towards her classroom.

Upon reaching there, she saw Isha coming towards her.

"How is Daniel?"

"He is showing improvement but not fully out of danger. He is still under observation."

"Did you see him?"

"No Isha. I can only see him during visiting hours."

"Ok. So ready with your presentation?"


"Then get ready with everything. Ma'am will come at any time."

Jezebel nodded and took out her laptop from her bag and placed it on the table and connected the projector. Moments later, their faculty came and Jezebel started her teaching.

After completion, the students departed to their respective clinical area and Jezebel after clarifying some doubts with her teacher, sauntered towards the room where Daniel's parents are present.

When she opened the door, she was surprised to see Daniel's friends. They greeted each other.

"The doctor updated about his current state to us a few minutes ago. We are happy that he is becoming normal," said George.

"Even I am also happy uncle. God won't disappoint us."

George sighed and glanced at his wife. Jezebel sat near Esther. Esther smiled weakly at her.

"Did you had anything?" Jezebel asked.

"Yes, dear. They forced us to eat. We weren't hungry at all." Esther said looking at the three young men.

"When Daniel wakes up, he will be upset if you skip your food. He doesn't want his parents to starve," said Jezebel.

"I know child but how can we eat when our son is lying there fighting against death."

George sobbed and Thomas tried to calm him down. Esther rested her head on Jezebel's shoulder and closed her eyes. Just then a nurse came there.

"Mr George your son is awake. He is asking for you all."

They immediately rushed towards the ICU and waited outside. The doctor came out and allowed only George and Esther inside. When they went inside, the doctor turned towards Jezebel.

"Why are you here?"

"Sir I---"

"Jezebel I told you that you can't stay here like this. You have works to do. So don't waste your time."

"Sorry, sir."

The doctor angrily glared at her and walked inside the ICU. Jezebel then faced the three boys.

"I have to go coz now I have some consultations. Ring me if anything happens."

The three of them nodded and Jezebel went from there. She was disappointed but decided to complete everything before the visiting time so that she can spend some time with Daniel.

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