Beula meets Daniel

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"Mummy I am also going with her today."

"Why Beula?" asked Benita

"Nothing. Just thought of going for a walk."

Beula winked at Jezebel.

"Ok be careful both of you."

"Thank you mummy...bye" Both of them said in unison.

Benita looked at them with surprise.

"Ok bye"

The girls left the house while Benita watched them going.

"Hey I think mummy has some doubts. I am afraid." said Jezebel.

"Don't worry Jezebel. We will handle it together."

After two minutes Beula got little tired.

"Oh my god Jez walk little slowly. My legs are paining. Why are you in a hurry?"

"Oh Beu we almost reached. Today they are going to have a match. So we need to get there before it starts. Come fast Beu."

"Ok ok I am coming."

Finally they reached the ground near the park. Jezebel saw Daniel standing some distance away with his teammates. When he saw her she waved at him and he waved back. Beula observed this.

"So that's your friend Daniel."

"Yes Beu. How is he?" asked Jezebel.

Beula looked at her confused.

"He is looking like a normal person."

"Oh no I mean is he cute?"

"Oh so you adore him."

Jezebel glared at Beula who laughed at this.

Jezebel glared at Beula who laughed at this

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"Beula he is my good friend. But I think that he is a cute boy."

"Cute boy with a cute smile."

Jezebel got surprised and looked at Beula who blinked her eyes.

"What did you say?"

"A cute boy with a cute smile..."

Jezebel laughed at her sister.

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