Answering Back

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Jezebel's sorrowful life came back and now she is not uttering a word to anyone. The day when she collapsed, Beula was in a state where she couldn't do anything. She immediately ringed Isha who came within a short time to check on Jezebel. She suffered a mental shock and Isha assured Beula that Jezebel needs complete rest and a peaceful atmosphere to come back to normal.

Beula took an off the next day and stayed beside Jezebel. She couldn't see her sister like this and suppressed her pain. She believed that if she becomes weak, then Jezebel won't recover.

But little did she know that a storm is going to hit them. Joseph and Benita came back after their business trip. They were invited by the usual silence but since their arrival was a shock and surprise to Beula, she couldn't plan to face them. On the day of their arrival itself, Benita and Joseph sensed something is wrong coz Jezebel didn't answer their questions. They decided to ask Beula.

“Beula why Jezebel is here? She should be present at her college right?"

“Uhm...Mummy, she is not well. So she decided to stay at home. I informed her friend and she said she will inform the department head."

“Fine...then why is she silent? We both asked her the matter but she is behaving as if we don't exist.” enquired Joseph.

“I told you know pappa. She is not well. She didn't even talk to me."


“What do you all want to know?" asked a familiar voice. They all turned towards the source and saw Jezebel.

“So she can talk," said Benita.

“Thank God finally you said something. I am so happy," said Beula embracing her in a tight hug.

“What happened to you? Fever?" asked Joseph.

“No..." answered Jezebel not glancing at her father.

“Why can't you just look at me and say? I am not a stranger," shouted Joseph.

“I am fine pappa." This time she glared at her father and said.

“Jezebel behave well," shouted Benita.

Jezebel glared at her mother and sauntered back to her room. She closed the door and climbed on the bed and cried. She took her phone and stared at Daniel's photo.

“Buddy please help me. My parents are back. I can't handle them without you. Please...come back." She cried her heart out.

If Daniel was alive, then he would have been a comfort zone to her. He would have motivated her to stand on her legs and ignore her parents' unnecessary wrath. But now, she is alone.

“JEZEBEL?" Benita screamed at the top of her voice and banged on the door. Jezebel came and opened the door.

“Who is this Daniel?"

“He is my everything. My friend, my buddy, my all..." Jezebel shouted back at Benita.

Benita glared at her and she raised her hand but Jezebel prevented her from touching her. This shocked Benita. Not only her but Joseph and Beula who were behind her had the same reaction.

“See mummy I am not a little kid anymore. I am a grown-up girl. Now you have no right to slap me. I am an earning person too. I can step out of this house now and can live my life as I wish. But I am staying here because I don't want society to badmouth us. I am fed up."

Jezebel dropped Benita's hand and stared at her. Her words shocked others to the core. Beula came and stood beside Jezebel.

“Jez you have to rest. Now it's not good to quarrel. Come."

“No, Beu. I want to speak now. For me. For these many years, I couldn't take a stand for myself. I thought I was wrong all the time. But now I realized even parents can be wrong many times."

“Lower your voice, Jezebel." Joseph raised his voice.

“I don't care. If you can raise, then I can also do that."

“How dare you talk to him like this?" barked Benita.

“It's because of my Daniel. He made me realize that everything you both do is not right. Sometimes you are blaming me unnecessarily. And I want that to end."

For a moment, there was pin-drop silence. Tears started to flow down from Jezebel's eyes. She tried to stay strong.

“If you want to know who is Daniel then I will clear all your doubts the next day. Now I want to be alone. Please..." She begged in front of them.

“Ok take rest. Let's meet tomorrow," said Beula.

Jezebel slammed the door and sat on the bed. She felt a kind of relief after the fight. For the first time, she had enough courage to counter her parents. She is aware that it's not good but at that moment Jezebel had no other choice. She glanced at Daniel's photo and smiled.

“Thank you for this encouragement. I am happy that I was able to speak up for myself." She kissed the picture and laid on the bed.

During lunch and dinner time, Beula served the food to Jezebel inside her room. She even mentioned the silence followed by the storm.

“I am glad that you prevented mummy from slapping you. Now both aren't talking to me. I think they are not out of the shock. Let's hope that they won't create havoc the next day. You need to be prepared to face it."

“I am ready to face them again. Don't worry. Daniel is with me."

Beula smiled and kissed her and wished her goodnight. Jezebel pulled the duvet over her and took a deep breath.

“Yes, I am ready for tomorrow." She whispered to herself.


“If you both are ready to hear me out, I will explain everything about Daniel," said Jezebel.

The whole family were gathered to have breakfast and none hadn't said anything. So Jezebel decided to break the silence.

“But there is one condition..." All gazed at her.

“I don't want any interference while I speak. Mummy and pappa should listen to me and then question me if you want. And try to keep a peaceful atmosphere."

“Agreed," said Joseph and Benita in unison.

They finished their food and occupied the living room. Jezebel looked at Beula who gave a thumbs up to her. Then she took a deep breath.

“I met Daniel when I..."


Hey pals,

✪How was the chapter?

✪ So Benita and Joseph are going to know about Daniel. His value in their daughter's life.

✪ What do you think about their reaction after her confession?

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