A Ray of Hope

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One week went off quickly. Daniel was still unconscious but luckily he was out of danger. The doctors are trying their level best to bring him back to life. He is responding to medicines and his vitals are coming to normal range each day. But all are waiting for him to open his eyes and talk to his dear ones who are waiting outside the ICU and praying to God to keep him safe.

It became a routine for Jezebel to check up on him after arriving and before leaving the hospital. She believes that his subconscious mind can feel her presence so he will wake up soon. She went to church every day and requested the Almighty to give him back. Deep inside her mind, she pacified herself that everything will be alright.

One fine morning, Jezebel was having her breakfast and Benita was sitting across her. Neither of them talked a single word. When Beula appeared, Benita looked up.

“Beula I want to discuss one important matter with you," said Benita.

“What is it, mummy?"

“I have come up with an alliance for you."

Beula stared at Benita. Her eyes widened with shock after hearing the word alliance from her mother. Jezebel witnessed this and she too was shocked.

“Alliance? For me?" asked Beula.

“Yes, Beula. Joseph only informed me about this family. I inquired about them a lot and thought that this alliance is the best for you."

Beula glanced at Jezebel who didn't know what to say that instant.

“Why are you staring at her? You have to tell your own opinion," said Benita.

“I want to think mummy. It's not easy to come up with an answer now."

“Ok so how much time you want?" asked Benita.

“I need enough time. So I will let you know soon."

“Ok then as you wish," said Benita and continued having the food while Beula scrolled something on her phone.

Minutes later, Jezebel finished her breakfast and walked towards Beula.

“Beu I am ready. Let's go."

Beula got up from the sofa and they together said goodbye to Benita and left the house.

“How is Daniel?" asked Beula.

“Still unconscious. But he is reacting to medicines. Thank God." said Jezebel.

“I am coming with you. I want to see him."

“What? Today?"

“Yes, Jez. I just want to see him. That's it."

Jezebel didn't say anything and looked outside. They reached the hospital and Beula parked the car and followed Jezebel towards the ICU. The visiting time was over but Jezebel requested the nurse to let her in with Beula. Beula stared at Daniel and felt sad seeing his condition.

“His skull got fractured so he had undergone surgery a few days back," said Jezebel.

“Yeah, I do remember. You told me," said Beula.

“She can't stay here doctor. Senior doctors will scold me." said the nurse.

“I will go now. Just one minute," said Beula.

Beula stood near Daniel and held his right palm and murmured a prayer that was audible to Jezebel. A tear ran down from her eye and she wiped it off. Beula then turned towards Jezebel.

“He will be fine. I remember him every day in my prayers. He will come back for you."

Jezebel smiled and hugged Beula. Then they walked out of the ICU and came near the entrance.

“Call me if anything happens. Okay?" said Beula.

Jezebel nodded and Beula ambled towards the car parking area and drove off. Jezebel then decided to visit Daniel's parents. They were given a room on the second day and Jezebel visited them during her free time. They made her happy by showering their love and care towards her. Her presence decreased their pain to some extent.

Jezebel knocked on the door and opened it slowly and was surprised to see an unexpected person there. She ran and engulfed that person in a tight hug.

“How are you, grandma? I missed you a lot," said Jezebel and cried.

“I am not fine dear. You know the reason right? I can't see him like this."

“I know grandma. But trust me he will be back. Let's pray for his recovery."

“Yes, dear."

Alice kissed Jezebel's forehead and she joined them to update about Daniel's condition. Moments later, she left for her class.

In the evening when the lectures and duties were over, Jezebel went to see Daniel's family. Except his father, the two ladies were present. Esther rushed towards Jezebel when she entered the room.

“Jezebel please go and see what happened to my son. A nurse came and informed that the doctor wants to see George. Please go dear."

“Ok, aunty I will. Please relax."

Jezebel rushed towards the ICU. She saw Daniel's father talking with the duty doctor. Jezebel saw him patting the old man's shoulder and walking away.

“Uncle is everything okay. What happened to Daniel?"

“There is a ray of hope child," said George.

Jezebel saw tears that were of hope and happiness.

“I didn't understand."

“Daniel opened his eyes. The doctor asked him some questions but he just blinked his eyes and later dozed off due to the medicine's effect. I don't what to do now Jezebel. I am happy. Finally, he became conscious. God heard our prayers."

George cried and sat on the nearby chair. Jezebel rubbed his back and consoled him.

“Thank you so much God Almighty. I am happy to hear this. I know you will give back my Daniel. Thank you once again." Jezebel said in her mind and tears of joy rolled down from her eyes.


Hey pals

✪How was the chapter?

✪At last our Daniel became conscious. It's a ray of hope right?

✪Let's see what happens in the next chapter.

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