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"JEZ..." Beula shouted from downstairs. She jumped up from her chair.

"I am coming Beu." Jezebel couldn't believe that she remembered her past life. She glanced at her watch and got shocked to know the time.

"My God! 3:30 pm..." She closed the diary and went down and saw Beula.

"I thought you had your lunch. But see..." She pointed at the plate and Jezebel bit her lower lip.

"I am sorry Beu. I was thinking about one thing."

"Whatever it is come and have your lunch. I will also join you."

"What were you doing till this minute?"

"I was talking with my colleague. But soon after the call, my CEO called me. She wants to discuss about the upcoming conference. So I didn't check the time." Jezebel sighed and they sat together and started having food.

"Uhm...Beu, I am going out in the evening. I will be back soon."

"Where are you going?"

"To meet Daniel's family. I want to inform them about my job and all. So before I go, I want to see them." Beula nodded.

"But mummy and pappa will be back by 6:30. You need to come before that." Jezebel nodded and prayed that her mummy and pappa gets late. But a thought came on her mind.

"Hey, I will go after lunch. Then I can spend more time with them."

"Good idea! Then finish your food and get ready."


Jezebel parked her scooter in front of the gate. She took the carry bag and headed towards the car porch. She ringed the bell and waited. The door opened revealing Esther. Her face lit up when she saw Jezebel.

"Jezebel dear I am happy to see you." Esther hugged her and kissed her forehead. "Come inside child."

Jezebel stepped inside the house and her eyes fell on Daniel's photo on the wall. Esther went to call George and she came back with him. Jezebel gave the carry bag to Esther.

"Hello dear how are you?" asked George.

"Fine uncle. How is your health?"

"I am following the instructions of my doctor. But I am good." They sat down and Esther headed towards the kitchen. For some minutes George and Jezebel talked until Esther came back with snacks and coffee.

"A few minutes before only I had my lunch aunty..."

"No! You have to eat these," Esther said and sat beside George. There was a silence before Jezebel spoke up.

"I got a job. The place is far away from here. Almost 5 to 6 hours."

"That's nice Jezebel. We are glad to know that." George said and glanced at Esther.

"Hospital's name is JVC HOSPITAL. It's a multi-speciality hospital. I had an interview a few weeks back. They called me two days before and asked to join as soon as possible."

"So you are now officially a doctor!" Esther said with a smile on her face. "What about the salary and all?"

"Starting is Rs 50,000. That's okay for me aunty. You know my friend Merlin. Her aunt is staying alone. So she allowed me to stay with her. So accommodation is already ready. So I will be going tomorrow morning.

"That's nice. So you don't have to worry about it." Jezebel agreed with George. She sipped the coffee and checked the time. She realised that she has a lot of time.

"I will go and see grandma now." Saying so Jezebel walked towards her room. She opened the door and saw Alice reading a book.

"Grandma!" Alice looked up and a warm smile crept on her face. Jezebel went and tightly hugged her.

"How are you, Jez?"

"I am fine grandma. How are you?"

"As usual dear. Since I am not going out much, I find solace in these books." She said pointing towards the bookshelf. Jezebel then informed her about her job and all. Alice became happy hearing this.

"So my girl is going to treat patients and now she is officially Dr Jezebel Joseph." Jezebel let out a chuckle hearing it.

"God bless you, child. You will reach greater heights. You are an intelligent and talented girl!" Alice mumbled

"Thanks for the compliment grandma. I will be going tomorrow morning. Day after tomorrow, I will be joining the hospital. Remember me in your prayers. And today I went to see Daniel. I felt him." Alice's eyes welled up and she cupped Jezebel's face.

"He loves you, Jez. I know he is happy to see you achieving your goal. He is with us but we can't see him." Jezebel nodded and rested her head on Alice's shoulder.

"You still have Jezu with you?" she enquired. Jezebel had revealed about writing diary to them.

"Of course. And I am taking her with me."

"Good! You won't feel alone."

"I will leave now grandma. I need to do some more packing before my parents come back. They went to attend a betrothal function. So I have to reach my house before them."

"Ok then see you, Jezebel. Work well and I will pray for my grandchild."

Jezebel hugged for the lady time and went down to see Esther and George. She told about her visit to the church and feeling Daniel there. Both of them smiled and blessed Jezebel. She said her farewell to them and headed towards her house.


"Okay Jezu, so I went to see my Daniel and his family. I don't know when I will meet them but I am happy to them again." Jezebel mumbled to the diary.

"I will tell you everything." She then started to write on the new page. About her visit to the church, talking to Daniel and feeling his presence. And then she wrote about remembering her past life. She is surprised that she still remember each thing very well.

"Okay, that's it for today. Let's talk tomorrow. I have to wake up early. Mummy, pappa and Beu are coming with me. From tomorrow onwards, we are living in a new place and gonna see new people." She closed the diary and got on the bed. She took a glance at Daniel's photo on her phone.

"You are also coming with me, right?" She smiled and later dozed off.

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