Jezebel and Jezu

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The next day Beula arrived back and that time, Jezebel was getting ready to go to college. There wasn't any kind of excitement on her face. Jezebel embraced her and said that she will talk with her in the evening. At college, Jezebel didn't talk with anyone much. She even ignored Isha and Merlin. She wanted to work more that day.

During lunchtime, she went to the college café and sat alone and took out her diary. She read what she wrote yesterday. She held back her tears and read each line again and again. She was reading her own emotions. Deep inside her mind, she wished not to go back to her sorrowful life.

While coming back home with Isha in the evening, she saw the park on the way and asked Isha to stop there.

“Hey, we haven't reached your house yet?"

“It's fine. I want to do one thing. I will get down here." Isha nodded and Jezebel stepped out of the car. She entered the park and sat on a bench. She let out a deep sigh and took out the diary.

“You know Jezu. This is where I met Daniel for the first time. We stared at each other for a long time. And I didn't know that one day he will become an important person in my life." Jezebel stared at the playground and remembered their first meet.

“Even though I felt awkward that instant but he had a cute smile on his face." At that moment, she felt a cool breeze blew on her face. Jezebel closed her eyes and enjoyed it.

“Daniel..." She whispered.


“Where have you been?" questioned Beula. Jezebel glanced at the clock which showed 7 pm.

“I was at the park."

“Till this time?"


“Jez are you in your sense? Anything would have happened to you since you were alone."

“But nothing happened Beu. I need to go." Jezebel climbed the stairs and entered her room. She took a bath and climbed on her bed. She glanced at the ceiling and soon she sleep covered her.

A loud knock on her door disturbed her sleep. Jezebel got up and opened the door to see Beula.

“What's wrong Beu? You won't allow me to sleep."

“It's already 8:30. Come and have your dinner."

“I don't want. I am not hungry."

“Are you okay dear?" Beula cupped her face. Jezebel saw the concern on her sister's face.

“I am fine Beu. I am back to my normal life. I know Daniel's demise won't go away from me ever. But now I am finding peace in a new friend."

“Who is that?" asked Beula.

“Jezu, my diary!" She said and showed it to Beula.

“You started to write diary? Unbelievable!"

“Daniel gifted me this a few days before that accident. He wants me to get occupied with another company when he is not there to hear me out. But that time, I didn't know that he will be gone forever."

“Hey, Jez. Don't think like this. He went back to God. One day you will also go there and meet him. Just wait for that day." Beula's words brought a smile to her face.

“Keep this with you safely. I don't want you to show this to anyone including our parents. It's not good to share what you tell your diary."

“Thank you, Beu!" Jezebel happily hugged Beula. Beula planted a kiss on her cheeks and they went down to have food.


Days went by and the internal exams started for Jezebel. She concentrated more on her studies and her sadness was gone already coz she formed a good bond with Jezu. Sadly Daniel didn't appear in her dreams and she thought that one day he will come to express his happiness seeing her bond with Jezu.

Jezebel talked with her diary every day. She didn't feel like writing. When her exams got over, she spent more time with her diary. Like Daniel, Jezu became a special friend to her. Benita and Joseph tried to interact with her but they realised that it's too late. And now Jezebel is not affected by it.

Except for Beula, no one knows about the diary. Jezebel hid it from her parents. She took it whenever she went out of the house. Beula made sure that Jezebel is happy like she used to be when Daniel was alive. They have their sister moments when their parents are out.

Isha and Merlin were there for her whenever possible as they don't want her to get depressed. Jezebel loved their company more and more with each passing day. As Daniel wished, she found happiness even in little things and ignored the negative thoughts. And Daniel stayed in her mind. She doesn't want to let go off him because he only taught her to love her life.


“Hey, morning Jezu..." Jezebel sat on her chair with Jezu. “Today I am free. So we can talk a lot. Beula is out with her friend for shopping and mummy and pappa are busy with their business tours. So now just you and me." She kept it close to her chest.

“I wish Daniel was here with us. I know he is happy to see me talking with you." Memories of Daniel handing her the diary flashed on her mind. A smile crept on her face.

“So I thought about appropriately using you. I mean you will get bored if I talk to you continuously right?" She chuckled. “It's better I start writing on your fresh pages so that you won't get to hear my voice. Let's have a silent conversation then."

Jezebel took a pen and opened a new page. She had torn off the paper where she wrote about feeling alone because it will upset both Jezu and Daniel. She played with the pen and thought a lot. Finally, she came to a conclusion.

“You were introduced to me few days before Daniel's death. So you are not aware of how we met and how we cherished our friendship. So I will tell you the whole story about me and Daniel. Okay?"

She rubbed her hands on the page and wrote on the first line MY FIRST MORNING WALK. And continued writing recalling each moment of that day.

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