Chapter 28- What are you doing here?

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Audrey is now 6 months old. Both Stella and Kelly have been back from leave for about 3 months now. They have finally set schedule with Audrey when they go to shift. Normally Audrey wakes up about an hour and a half before they have to leave. To Stella and Kelly's relief Cindy offered to watch Audrey whenever they are both on shift. It's just a regular shift, or so they may think.

Both Squad 3, Truck 81, Ambo 61 are dispatched to a call. When they get there they quickly wrap up the call because it was a minor call. Ambo 61 take the victim to med for minor smole inhalation. Squad 3 is dispatched to another call right from the scene. Truck 81 is conducting a secondary search, they finish up quickly and rule the fire accidental. Truck 81 is about to head back to 51. Stella is getting into the driver's side of truck when she spots a man across the street out of the corner of her eye. She thinks it might be Grant, but it was hard to tell because right as she looked the man turned around. She brushed it off thinking that there is no way Grant it back.

Casey: Hey Kidd you good?

Stella: All good Captain, I just thought I saw something. It wasn't what I thought.

Casey: Okay, 81 let's head back to 51.

Truck 81 makes it back to 51. Stella sees Brett sitting in the common room.

Stella: Hey Brett you know when Squad is coming back?

Brett: Yeah I actually heard they're on their way back, why is everything okay?

Stella: Yeah, it's all good I just need to talk to Kelly.

Stella walks away and walks to Kelly's quarters. She sits on his bunk and puts her hand on her head.

-Stella's thoughts-

There's no way that was Grant right? Last time I saw him he was going to a facility to get help. What would he even want with me?

Kelly walks in a few minutes later.

Kelly: Hey everything okay?

Stella: Uh, no not really well I'm not sure. Can you close the blinds and the door?

Kelly: Sure.

Kelly is worried he doesn't know what is wrong. He quickly closes the door and the blinds. He sits next to Stella and wraps his hands around hers.

Kelly: Talk to me.

Stella: You remember that call we were dispatched to earlier?

Kelly: Grocery store?

Stella: That's the one. When 81 was leaving I could've sworn I saw Grant. 81 was packing up and I was about to get in the rig when I saw him out of the corner of my eye. I'm not completely sure, but I'm 99% percent positive it was him.

Kelly: What?! What does that bastard want now?

Stella: I don't know last time I saw him was when I convinced him to willing go to a facility to get help. Kelly, you and I both know what he is capable of. What if he tries to hurt or take Audrey? I would never be able to forgive myself if something ever happened to her because of my past.

Kelly: Hey listen to me. You got me. I will make sure I protect the both of you. I will fight my way through hell before I let that guy get anywhere near the two of you.

Stella: Thank you babe. You always know what to say. I love you.

Kelly: I love you too and to be fair I have beaten the guy once before.

Stella: I am not in that kind of mood right now.

Kelly: Sorry I was just trying to lighten the mood.

Stella: Kelly there is no lightening the mood right now! That guy is capable of more thing than you know.

Kelly: I'm sorry you're right I don't know everything he is capable of.

Stella: No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you. I just never thought I would have to see that guy again.

A tear streams down Stella's face.

Kelly: Hey everything will be okay. You got me and you always will.

Kelly pulls Stella into a hug and keeps hugging her for a bit to comfort her.

It's the end of shift and Stella and Kelly are heading to Herrmann's house to pick up Audrey. They make it to Herrmann's house and are greeted by Cindy and Audrey at the porch. They are both so happy to see their daughter after a long shift. Cindy welcomes them inside. Stella notices the trash is full and offers to take it out. She heads out to the back of the house to throw out the trash. After she throws out the trash she turns around to see Grant.

Stella: Grant? What the hell are you doing here?

Grant: I came here to get you my Stella Bella.

Grant tries to put his hand on Stella's arm, but she pulls back.

Stella: Don't touch me.

Grant: What happened? Did Kelly brainwash you into thinking that he loved you? I love you babe, we belong together.

Stella: Don't call me that or say that about my husband. I am happy now leave. Now.

Grant: I can't believe you married him! You bitch. You know I didn't want to do this but.

Grant hits Stella with a rod on the head. She in knocked unconscious. There is a blood splatter left as a result. He drags her to his car and takes off. Meanwhile Kelly notices that she is taking a while and decides to check on her. He hands over Audrey to Cindy and heads out back. He notices that there is a blood splatter on the ground. He sees Stella's phone on the ground and the trash on the ground. He knows something is going on. He is worried about the blood splatter and what could've possibly happened to her.

Kelly: Cindy!

Cindy: Kelly, oh my god! What happened?

Kelly: I think she was kidnapped.

Cindy: What! By who? Do you know?

Kelly: I actually think I do. Her ex-husband, he's a complete bastard and tried to kill her years ago. Let me see your phone. I need to call 911.

Kelly immediately calls 911.

911: 911 what is your emergency?

Kelly: This is Lieutenant Kelly Severide badge number 1751, I need help. I think my wife has been kidnapped. I need you to contact Sergeant Trudy Platt over at the 21st district. Please tell her Kelly Severide requested intelligence to come to the scene.

911: This is being done as we speak, I will have them dispatched shortly.

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