Chapter 13- The Proposal

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Author's Note: Thank you guys for 1k views!

-Stella is now 11 weeks pregnant-

Stella and Kelly were finally able to take a week off from work so they can go to the cabin. Stella has been working in the bullpen for the past month.

Kelly: Hey you ready to go? Shift is over and we should get on the road for the cabin.

Stella: Almost I just have to finish up some paperwork before we leave. You can wait in the car if you want.

Kelly: No it's fine, I'll just wait here. I like to keep you company.

Stella: Aw, thanks babe.

-10 minutes later- 

Kelly and Stella head out to their car. 

Kelly: I already put our bags in the trunk so we don't have to stop home.

Stella: Thanks. What are we going to do for a week at the cabin?

Kelly: Oh don't worry I have some things planned.

Stella: I can't wait to see what you have planned.

Stella soon falls asleep holding Kelly's hand. Kelly doesn't try and wake her because he knows she needs her rest. She sleep for the whole car ride there.

Kelly: Hey babe? Wake up we're here.

Stella: Already? It feels like I just fell asleep.

Kelly gets out of the car and opens the door for Stella. They walk into the cabin and put all of their stuff down.

Stella: It was a great idea to come down here. I absolutely love this place.

Kelly: Oh you do?

Stella: Definitely. I mean this place has so many special memories.

Kelly: Agreed. Why don't you rest for a little bit, I know you are tired.

Stella: Sounds like a plan. Are you coming?

Kelly: I will in a little bit. I'm just going to clean up a little bit.

Stella: Promise?

Kelly:I promise, do you want breakfast while I'm at it?

Stella: I would love some. Eggs and bacon?

Kelly: Coming right up.

Stella goes into the bedroom and quickly falls asleep.

Kelly starts to set up for the proposal. He brought candles and roses. He made a path of roses and put candles alongside them. They lead to a light up sign that said "will you marry me?". He also brought one of Stella's favorite tight fitted dresses to put on. Kelly brought his black suit anf tie. He also had the ring he picked out. He then made breakfast for Stella. After he made the breakfast he brought it into the bedroom. 

Kelly: Hey honey? I have your breakfast for you.

Stella: Thanks babe, here come sit down with me. 

Kelly sits on the bed beside Stella and puts his arm around her shoulders. 

Kelly: I have a surprise for you.

Stella: Oh, you know I love surprises.

Kelly: I know you do, let me go get it.

Kelly walks in with the dress for Stella and the suit for him.

Stella: What's this for?

Kelly: It's a surprise, put it on. I'll be in the bathroom.

Stella: Kelly! Come here!

Kelly runs out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

Kelly: What? Did something happen? Are you okay?

Stella: I am perfectly fine, but look. I'm starting to show already.

Kelly looks at Stella in her dress. He see that she has a little bump. Kelly walks over to her.

Kelly: Wow, look at that the little one is growing.

Kelly puts his hand on Stella's bump.

Kelly: Hey little one it's your dad, you mom and I can't wait to meet you.

Stella: Your going to be a great dad, and that suit of your's makes you look extremely handsome.

Kelly: Thanks babe. Here put this on.

Stella: A blindfold?

Kelly: Yes it's for your surprise.

Stella puts on her blindfold and Kelly carefully guides Stella out of the cabin and to the beginning of the rose path.

Kelly: You can take off the blindfold now.

Stella takes off the blindfold.

Stella: Kelly what is this?

Kelly: You'll see, follow the path.

They both walk down the path of roses and candles until they reach the sign. Before Stella can say anything Kelly gets down on one knee.

Kelly: Stella Kidd, you are the light of my life. You make me feel like the luckiest man alive. You have changed me and made me a better person. You are my light in the darkest path. You give me a reason to be better. You mean the world to me and I want to be able to call you mine for the rest of my life. Stella Kidd will you marry me?

Stella: Hell yes!

Stella leans down to Kelly and they kiss. She then puts her hands on his cheeks and kisses him again. She kneels down and Kelly puts the ring on her finger. Stella has tears streaming down her face and Kelly has tears in his eye.

Stella: Oh, Kelly the ring is gorgeous! 

Kelly: I knew I had to pick out the perfect ring for you.

Stella: You are the best, I love you so much.

Kelly: I love you too.

They kiss again and then Kelly picks Stella up and carries her back to the cabin. They take off their clothes and change into their pjs. Kelly lays down on the bed and Stella lays down putting her head on his chest.

Stella: I love you, you know that?

Kelly: I know I love you too.

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