Chapter 3- The Accident Part 2

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It has been about 2 hours since Kelly went into surgery. Everyone except Stella, Casey, and Brett has left the hospital and has returned to shift. They all figured that there was no point in waiting at the hospital, they knew that Stella would update them if there was any changes. Brett stayed because she knew that Stella was barely keeping it together and need some support from her. Matt stayed because his best friend was in surgery and he wanted to hopefully help Stella relax a little bit.

Stella's POV:

-in her thoughts-

Kelly has to pull through this right? He has changed my life and supported me through the good and the bad. He helped me get through all of the things Grant put me through mentally and physically. I love him more than anything, and all I know is that this is not how we can end.

I need to call Jennifer, she needs to know that her son is in the hospital.

Stella calls Jennifer

Jennifer: Hello?

Stella: Hi, Jennifer

Jennifer: Hi, Stella how are you doing?

Stella: Not to great actually. Kelly got into an accident at a fire today. He is currently in surgery. He broke C 3-5 in his back and they are trying to repair.

Jennifer: Oh My God! Is he going to be okay?

Stella: I am not sure yet, I am waiting for the doctors to let me know. I'll text you once there is any news.

Jennifer: Thank you Stella. I would love to be there, but I'm not sure that I can get there. I will try and get there as soon as possible.

Stella: Okay sounds good, I'll let you know if there is any updates.

-4 hours later-

-Dr. Halstead walks into the waiting room-

Stella immediately stands up and starts to walk over to Dr. Halstead.

Stella: How is kelly?

Dr. Halstead: He made it through the surgery. We were able to repair C 3-5 in his back. He should be able to gain back all mobility. It will take some time and physical therapy.

Stella: I am so glad to hear that! Will he be able to eventually be a firefighter again?

Dr. Halstead: The chances are very high. With some physical therapy he should be able to gain back all mobility. He is currently resting and he will probably wake up within an hour or 2. Would you like me to take you to his room?

Stella: Yes, that would be great.

Dr. Halstead walks down the hall and stops at room 11.

Dr. Halstead: This is his room, I will check back in a little bit. If he wakes up let me know.

Stella: I will, also Will?

Dr. Halstead: Yes?

Stella: Thank you so much.

Dr. Halstead: You're welcome.

Stella walks over to Kelly and gives him a kiss on the head. She pulls over a chair to his bed and starts to stroke his hair. She sits next to him just looking at him for about 15 minutes.

Stella: Kelly I am not sure whether or not you can hear me but I am so glad you are okay. I was really worried. Please do not do that again. I love you.

Stella sits in the chair and waits for Kelly to wake up. She decided to go and call Jennifer.

Jennifer: Hello, Stella is there any updates?

Stella: Yes, the doctor just brought me to his room. He made it through surgery and the doctor is hopeful that he will make a full recovery.

Jennifer: Thank god, and when Kelly wakes up tell him his mother said to be careful next time.

Stella: I will don't worry, I will talk to you later.

Kelly starts to stir awake about 30 minutes later.

Kelly: Stella?

Stella: Thank god you are okay.

Stella goes over to Kelly and puts her hand on his face and kisses him on the lips.

Stella: You had me so worried. I thought you weren't going to make it.

Kelly: I know, I am sorry. I love you.

Stella: I love you too babe. Also I called you mom earlier and she said to tell you to be careful next time.

Kelly: I will don't worry. Stella, come here.

Kelly pats on the bed after asking for her to come snuggle with him. She goes over and sits next to him. She hugs him being careful not to hurt him. She ends up falling asleep with her hand on his chest. Kelly eventually gets comfortable and falls asleep as well.

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