Chapter 12- Announcement Part 2

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Jennifer had flown into Chicago about 3 hours ago. Stella and Kelly are setting up the apartment for the surprise announcement and dinner. They put together a gift bag with a baby onesie that reads "soon to be grandma". It also had the sonogram that Stella and Kelly had gotten earlier that week. They covered it in some tissue paper, and then finished setting up the apartment. Jennifer arrives about 30 minutes later.


Kelly opens up the door.

Kelly: Hey mom.

Jennifer: Hi Kelly.

Stella: Hey Jennifer.

Jennifer: Hi Stella. How are you guys doing? I was surprised when you guys asked me to come down to Chicago.

Stella: Well we have some news for you, but we wanted to tell you in person. Why don't you have a seat.

Stella hands her the gift bag.

Jennifer: What is this?

Kelly: It's a surprise mom, just open it. Read what it says out loud.

Jennifer takes out the tissue paper and pulls out the onesie.

Jennifer: soon to be grandma? Oh my god, Stella are you pregnant?

Stella: I sure am!

Jennifer runs over to Stella and gives her the biggest hug of her life while tears are streaming down her face. She then walks over to Kelly and gives him a hug.

Jennifer: I was waiting for you to give me a grandbaby.

Kelly: Well you got one coming in October.

Jennifer: I am so happy. Stella how far along are you?

Stella: I am 7 weeks along, and I think you missed something in the gift bag.

Jennifer walks back over to the gift bag and pulls out the sonogram.

Jennifer: Wow, look at the little one. I can already see her arms and legs.

Stella: I know it's crazy that the little one already has arms and legs. Why don't you both sit down and I will go get the rest of the food.

Jennifer: Okay.

Kelly: Do you need any help babe?

Stella: No I am fine go sit down with your mom.

-while Stella was in the kitchen-

Jennifer: Kelly you did good.

Kelly: What do you mean?

Jennifer: You finally found the one. Your past girlfriends, fiances, and even your ex-wife have never made you like this. Stella brings out the best in you. I can tell she is good for you. Now you even have a little one on the way. 

Kelly: I know mom, she is the absolute best and I wouldn't change what we have for the world.

Jennifer: When are you going to propose? A woman like her only comes around once in a lifetime.

Kelly: I wasn't going to say anything but look.

Kelly pulls out the most beautiful diamond ring out of his pocket.

Jennifer: Oh Kelly that is gorgeous.

Kelly: I picked it out last week, I'm going to propose soon. I just want it to be perfect.

Jennifer: Well you better do it soon.

Kelly: I will mom.

Stella walks over and says who's ready to eat.

Kelly and Jennifer: Me!

Stella sits down and they just talk and laugh about many different things until it starts to get late and Jennifer has to head to her hotel.

Jennifer: It was great seeing you both, we should do this again.

Stella and Kelly: Agreed.

Jennifer: Bye you three.

Stella and Kelly: See you later.

Kelly closes the door and they both walk to the bedroom. Stella lays on Kellys arm.

Stella: It was great getting to see your mom.

Kelly: It was. Why don't you say we go down to the cabin and have sometime for just the two of us because once the baby comes we won't be able to get a lot of that.

Stella: That sounds like a wonderful idea, but why don't we continue that thought tomorrow I am very tired.

Kelly: Sounds like a plan. Good night babe and good night little one. 

Stella: You are too sweet. Good night honey.

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