Chapter 11- The Announcement

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It's the next morning, Kelly and Stella both have shift today. Kelly wakes up to the sound of his alarm, but he turns it off quickly so he doesn't wake up Stella. He quietly makes his way out of the bedroom and starts making breakfast. Then he hears running footsteps over to the bathroom. He walks over to the bathroom and see Stella on the floor by the toilet throwing up. He quick goes over to her and holds back her hair and rubs her back.

Kelly: Hey, you okay?

Stella: Yes I am fine, it's just morning sickness.

She then continues to throw up.

Kelly: I am sorry that you don't feel well.

Stella: Don't be it's typical during pregnancy. We have to get going soon so we can tell the Chief and Casey.

Kelly: I know, I made you breakfast.

Stella: Thanks babe, you treat me so well. I love you.

Kelly: I love you too.

They kiss and then quickly eat their breakfast. Then they head straight to the firehouse to Casey, then Boden. Stella knocks on Casey's quarters, Kelly is standing right behind her.

Stella: Hey you got a second?

Casey: Yeah what's up?

Stella and Kelly walk into Casey's quarters, they close the door and the blinds.

Stella: So, um Kelly and I wanted to inform you that I will no longer be on Truck for a little while. 

Casey: Why? Did something bad happen?

Stella: No, not at all. 

Casey: Then why?

Stella: Well we are pregnant!

Casey: That's amazing, congratulations you guys! How far along are you guys?

Kelly: We are 7 weeks along.

Casey: Wow, I can't believe it Kelly Severide is going to be a father. Congrats man.

Kelly: Thanks Casey.

Casey: Have you guys told Boden yet?

Stella: No not yet. We wanted to tell you first so you can start to find a replacement for me.

Casey: Thanks for the heads up, I'm going to get started on finding that floater.

Stella: Well we will leave you to it.

Stella and Kelly walk over to Boden's office.

Stella: Hey Chief you got a second?

Boden: Of course come on in. What can I do for the both of you?

Stella: I just wanted to inform you that I will not be on Truck for quite a while...because we are pregnant!

Boden: Stella Kidd get your ass over here, congratulations. You two will be the best parents.

Stella walks over to Boden and he gives her a huge hug. Then he walks over to Kelly and gives him a hug as well.

Stella: Thanks Chief.

Boden: Where were you thinking about working because you are on light duty?

Stella: I looked if there were any spots at OFI, but it seems like they have enough people.

Boden: Well, help is always needed in the bullpen, and I think I should be able to have you keep your current salary if you work in the bullpen.

Stella: That would be awesome Chief, thank you so much.

Boden: Don't mention it, have you told anyone else yet?

Kelly: We only told you, Brett, and Casey. We were going to tell my mom over the phone, but we convinced her to fly out the Chicago and have dinner with us tomorrow.

Boden: That's great, when are you planning to tell everyone else, because I don't know how long I will be able to keep this a secret.

Stella: We were meaning to ask you if we could tell them during briefing?

Boden: Of course, you can announce it before I start. 

Kelly: Thanks Chief.

Stella and Kelly head to the briefing room hoping to be able to set up everything before they come. On the board they hang up the sonogram and write "51 addition coming  October 2021". They cover up the phrase and sonogram and wait until they arrive. Within 20 minutes everyone arrives and is sitting in the briefing room.

Boden: Before I start Stella and Kelly have an announcement to make.

Stella and Kelly walked up to the board and held hands.

Stella: Well Kelly and I have some very exciting news to tell you guys.

Kelly pulls the cover off the board.

Stella & Kelly: We're pregnant!

Everyone: Congratulations!

Hermann: That little one is going to be one lucky kid. He has the best mom and dad a kid could ask for. Parenthood would look good on you both, it is the biggest blessing to have a kid. You two are going to be great.

Stella: Thanks Hermann.

They congratulated Stella and Kelly for a couple more minutes until they had to continue on with their shift.

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