Chapter 22

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  Austin's POV
I could barely believe what just happened. It was like it all happened in slow motion as I saw my own father hit the man I loved. As Alan fell to the floor, hitting his head on the wall. I tried to move quickly to catch him, but I couldn't move fast enough, and now he was laying there, unconscious. Tears fell, how could someone be so evil to do this to their son? To do that to the person he loves? How could someone be so cruel? So hateful, so heartless.

I acted on impulse and took a swing for my father, this time, the hit landed, knocking him back and too the floor.
"You're no father!" I spat angrily. "You're a pathetic wastes of space. I'm going to give you a chance to leave and never come back! If you don't, I'm calling the police, you have thirty seconds to be gone and out of my life forever!"
My father blinked in disbelief, holding his face where I punched him before standing up. "Fine, all I wanted was my son back, but clearly he's just as dead as his poor mother! I hope you're happy!" and with that he left, and I was glad he was gone.

I rushed to Alan's side, holding him in my arms. "Baby wake up please, Kitten please open your eyes, I need you baby, please." I begged, tears flowing full force as I checked his pulse and his breathing. I was relieved to find his pulse and breathing as they should be. But then fresh sobs came out of me as I noticed the blood from the back of his head. I quickly dialed 911, begging for an ambulance to get here quickly, and they promised me five minute. "Baby it's going to be okay, I promise. I'm so sorry, this is all my fault, I'm so so so sorry."

Once the ambulance arrived, they almost instantly rushed us to our local hospital. I couldn't believe this was happening, was this how Alan felt when I collapsed, unconscious? Like his world was falling apart at the seems? Like if he lost me there would be nothing worth living for? Because that's sure how I felt right now. Seeing him laying there, motionless, it was braking me into pieces. I felt like I was losing my mom all over again, although I knew he was still alive, his life was in the balance. Most people hit their head and think nothing of it, but I know how sever head injuries can be, especially as Alan hit it with a loud thud that sent shocks down my spine. And the blood, oh god the blood, there wasn't loads of it, but there was enough. I was so scared, I loved Alan with all my heart, if I lost him, I don't think I could carry on. He was everything to me, I'd already lost my mother, and my father, if I lost Alan, I'd have nothing left. He was everything to me, I needed him to live, to breath, to eat, to sleep, to do everything I do. I'd been through so much, and music kept me going, but then I met Alan, and I don't think even music could save me from the hell of loosing him.

I was sat in the waiting room, the one Alan had been in not so long ago, waiting on news. I was angry, I was hurt, I was upset, I was terrified, I was scared. I depended on Alan, more then I probably should, and I never realized until now, just how much I needed him in my life. There was still things we hadn't done, we needed to do, needed to see. We where supposed to get married and adopt as many children as we could handle. I remember telling him I wanted forty children, I remember his cute little shocked face as he spat the drink he had in his mouth everywhere. And then how he said, if that's what I wanted then we could have forty, he would happily adopt forty children and we could buy us a mansion with a great big garden for them all. My heart melted when he said that and how he would do anything for me, as long as I was happy, that's all he cared about. I reassured him I didn't quite want forty, maybe four, two boys, two girls to call our own. Two boys and two girls to call us daddy, too look after, too care for. To wipe their tears away when they where sad, to fight away their fears when they where scared. To take them to soccer practice, or dance lessons, or music lessons. To play baseball with, to make music and sing with, to play guitar with, to watch grow into to amazing young people we would be proud of no matter what. Alan would be an amazing father, I knew that in my heart, he deserved that. And I wanted that, but if I couldn't do it with him, I didn't want to do it at all. He was the one I was supposed to call my partner for life, my husband and my children's other parent, their daddy. If it wasn't him, it wasn't anyone.

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