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The next thing I knew was Lizzie grabbed my neck and though me across the room. I landed in sheer glass and plant pots. the pain was so massive I fainted as the smell of blood got to me. I woke up in an unfamiliar place. it had glass as walls and floors and it seemed we were on the top floor. I could see a figure of a man and I thought it was Edward "I...."
"Shhhh Leah it's Phillip I am glad you are a wake, and don't worry about your precious Edward I wrote a letter saying how much you missed him and you went looking for him, but sadly you fell into us"
"Edward has nothing to do with this" I tried to shout with the last of my energy
"He does the rage of him will be even better when I killed him and yourself" he said as he turned around to meet his gaze with Lizzie's
"What do you want with me"
"What I want at the moment is for you to be quiet" and with that he tied me up but he didn't released I had my phone in my pocket.
"Get off of me" I screamed
"Oh Leah no one will here you, this place was abandoned in 1923" he smiled. he turne around and walked over to Lizzie and they started kissing. I tried to turn around and manage to get my phone out of my pocket and texted Edward 'my dear Edward Phillip and his coven has kidnapped me I am in London in the old glass building, don't come he wants to kill you and if he does I will never forgive myself if that happens. I love you. yours forever Leah' sent. after I sent the message Lizzie saw I had my phone and she took it of me and smashed it under her foot. I pain shot across me a I know I will never see Edward again. Phillip untied me and though me against the glass and it cracked and then it shattered as I fell to the ground. the glass fell on me and I zoned out I couldn't hear anything. I only smelt the blood which I felt the blood shooting from my head right down to my back. It felt like a fire of pain running down your body. suddenly there was a crack and I looked up and saw Phillip standing on my hand which wasn't the thing that cracked it was Edward fighting Lizzie. I then thought this is ment to be the best honeymoon and I am lieing here half consouis. Edward then killed Lizzie and with in half a second Phillip grabbed my hand and bit it. you could see the anger build up in side Edward then I passed out. I then heard voices. I shout "put the fire out please it's burning"
"Edward you need to suck the venom out she isn't readyto become a vampire"
Charlie said to Edward
"Edward stop the fire please"
"I am Leah I am" and with that he started sucking out the venom and I don't remember anything after that. I woke up in hospital which I am guessing is the next day as it is light.

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