The propsal

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I heard everyone rushing to get to me and Charlie carried me to his hospital room before Daniel smelt the blood. He stitched my head up and said "your not the first I fell down those stairs once but I can tell you one thing Edward really does love you but he is scared he is going to hurt you so he won't do anything drastic"
"I know all of that but I want to be with him forever and the only way is if you or him change me and that is not going to happen I love him and I don't want to lose him"
"He doesn't want to lose you he just doesn't want to hurt you but if you and him give pro mission I will change you myself or I can change his mind"
"I want to have a child yet and it would be hard on Richard I will wait till after I finished school"
"That would be fine we have to make sure you don't look any older than him"
"I can hear someone coming"
"That is Edward he is worried about you"
"He can't always be i can he thought a little bump" Edward came bursting into the door and said "Charlie can we have some privacy"
"Sure Edward nice to meet you Leah"
"You too dr Charlie" I said
"Leah I want to ask you a question, do you really want a baby"
"Yes I do why don't you"
"That is not the point I can't only because it will be as vampire but I will risk anything to keep you happy"
"Starting with a big white wedding"
"What" he got down on one knee and said "Leah I will love you until I die forever and always will you do me this wonderful honer and marry me" I started going red but after a few seconds it went down and I only had one word to say and that was "I will love you forever but I got some conditions"

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