Meeting the family

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"Wow I never appect vampires to have powers" I looked over at the speed and said "Edward we are going to fast slow down" I was clutching on to the handle while he chuckled as he turned his head towards me. He didn't look at the road while we drove on. I felt a sharp pain of horrier strike me in the pit of my stomach. We got there soon after, Edward had to help me to my feet as I was in shock of the speed we were going I was surprise he hadn't had a speeding ticket yet. The house was quite a shock it wasn't like in those movies were it was dark and a little big and graveyards it was big and spacey, it was like nothing they needed to hide. I looked around in ashtonient, "what is it not how you expected it to be, this is one place we don't have to hide and I will show you later"
"I have to admit no I was thinking how dark it would be and graveyards" he laughed and blushed
"Why don't we go in"
"Alright then"
He opened the door for me and walked in after me. He closed the door and helped me take my cardigan and put it on the Sofa by the door. The house was opened planned and wonderful. In a flash of a second his parents and his sister turned up with I am guessing with her brother. "Leah these are my adopted parents Esme and Charlie"
They were so amazing perfect in every way those parents you could only dream about or the ones in fairly tales and they dot even look over 20 but they must be 100 or something by now "hello Leah welcome to our home, are you hungry..."
"Esme she knows"
"Okay as Edward said I am Esme and this is Charlie"
"Hello Leah I'm Alice and this is Daniel by boyfriend" Alice said cheerfully and gave me hug then she backed away in the most graceful way. Daniel just stared at me and it was quite nerve racking "sorry about Daniel he is the newest member and it is a little differ cult for him" Charlie explained as Alice danced him gracefully out of the room and then Edward looked at me and said "Leah I am going to take you on a tour of the rest of the house" he grabbed my hand and lead me up stairs I could her the speedy muttering of Esme and Charlie behind me but when I looked they had gone and then I turned around and tripped down the stairs and cut my head on the hard steps.

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