Chapter 19

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Your FaceTime call that was only supposed to be for Bokuto checking up on you quickly melted into fast paced conversation

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Your FaceTime call that was only supposed to be for Bokuto checking up on you quickly melted into fast paced conversation. He was so easy to talk to and funny, you always lost track of time talking to him.

Now you were sat in your desk in your room with your knees pulled to your chest and a blanket wrapped around your shoulders. You talked to the simple-minded ace through your phone as it was propped up against a mug full of pencils that sat on that same desk.

Every once in a while in every conversation you had with him, a cultural barrier would come up and he would spend a long time contemplating each one. "Wait," he was saying now, "You guys actually have 'Prom's. Like that's a real concept?"

"Yes, they're real," you answered again. Right before this you had been telling him that pep rallies were real and that your school's football team was so much worse than your volleyball team, yet you only ever heard about the football team. All of it seemed to leave him bewildered.

You thought about the concept of bringing him to an American prom and the prospect made you happy. He would for sure overly enjoy himself at such a gathering, maybe he would even make it actually fun to be at.

"Have you ever gone to one?" he asked, probably wanting to know more details.

"Yes, I went last year. It wasn't fun."

He frowned. "Why not?"

"Because nobody does anything other than grind," you answered nonchalantly. It took you only a second to realize that saying something like that would not be normal to any other teenager across the world outside of one that went to an American public school like you.

"They what?" he asked, leaning in closer to his phone. "What did you just say that they do?"

You slapped your hands to your face and groaned before answering in a small voice. "They grind. In grind circles. For hours."

"Hey, (y/n)," his voice was raised into a sing-song teasing voice as it was every once in a while. "You just said that you've been to one of those. Are you saying that you've-"

"No," you answered quickly, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks as you realized that that no was not convincing. Your tone had been completely off from what a legitimate answer would be.

He let out a laugh, leaning forward in his chair again. "Oh, little (y/n) has been doing some funky stuff, huh?"

"That's what everyone does there!" you started to defend yourself.

"Yeah, yeah, tell that to the judge," he said, leaning back once again.

"The judge? What does that-" you started to ask, but you were suddenly enlightened by the square that appeared indicating that Kuroo had been added to the call. Your eyes widened as you realized what you were about to go through.

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