Chapter 17

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    You woke up the next morning with your throat feeling dry and your head pounding

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    You woke up the next morning with your throat feeling dry and your head pounding. The sun beamed in at you as Yukie shook your foot gently to wake you up. You groaned as she laughed at you.

    "Didn't sleep well?" she asked.

    "No," you answered, your voice low and gravely.

    She laughed at how your voice came out and turned away to finish getting ready. "Well, it's the last day so we gotta get hyped!"

    You smiled at that. Your lack of sleep was hitting hard and you were feeling strange from the events of last night, but all you had to do was get through one more day of games before you would be on the bus home for tonight.

    Dragging yourself out of bed, you started to collect what you needed to take with you today. After getting dressed, you looked around and suddenly realized that it was only Yukie and you here.

    "Where's Kiyoko?" you asked.

    "Oh, she wanted to head down so I stayed back with you," she answered from her spot on her bed as she scrolled through her phone. "You looked like you had a rough night so we wanted to let you sleep, and I figured I would stay back so you had someone to walk with."

    You looked at her. "That's so nice of you."
    She sat up and smiled. "Well, you've been nice to us all of this time. Plus, I don't think you realize how much you've done for my team."

    "What do you mean?" you asked.

    "Well, captain's been dominating even more than usual and everyone has their suspicions that it's because of whatever you have going."

    You giggled as you thought about that concept. Were you accidentally helping Fukurodani that much? The camp had exploded into suspicion ever since the hoodie incident. The three of you had decided to obviously keep the complete truth from everyone for now—after all you could hardly even explain it. You chose to basically neither confirm or deny anything that was presented to you about Bokuto by the managers. They knew about the hickey incident anyways.

    "Ready to head down?" you asked as you finished getting your stuff together.

    "Yep!" she replied happily, jumping off of the bed and joining you to walk out into the hallway.

You sat in your usual seat at the Karasuno table and they all hollered as you got there. You smiled, pretending to take in the cheers as if they didn't actually make you feel extremely awkward.

    "(y/n)!" Noya yelled out excitedly as he spotted you. He continued to drag out your name as Tanaka joined in with him.

    "Stop it!" you yelled back, your face getting heated from the stares being directed at the table.

    After they finally calmed down, the meal continued as usual. Kageyama and Hinata finished quickly and ran off towards the gym, saying something about a new quick attack that they had to work on.

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