Chapter 18

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You slept for almost the entire ride home, being absolutely exhausted from the day

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You slept for almost the entire ride home, being absolutely exhausted from the day. You were already low on sleep and pushing yourself to those extreme levels to stay energetic for your last hours of camp was what ultimately put you in.

    Kiyoko had decided to sit next to Daichi for this ride home. She said something about needing to talk to him and you were too tired to even question it. You crawled into a seat and rested your head onto the window, closing your eyes instantly.

    Someone sat next to you and you opened one eye to see Suga next to you giving you a smile before you closed your eyes and let sleep take you over. You felt fine knowing it was him there.

    You opened your eyes to being shook gently and looked up to see Suga's face. Your head must have drifted in your sleep because as you looked around, you realized that your head was resting on his shoulder.

    "Oh, god!" you said, rubbing your eyes. "I'm sorry!"

    "It's okay, it's okay," he smiled at you as you sat up. "I just wanted you to get some sleep. You seemed exhausted all day."

"Where are we?" you asked with squinted eyes.

"Almost to the school. Only a couple more minutes."

You nodded and apologized again for falling asleep on him. He laughed it off before turning to face you. "The other third years need to go home right away to study. I can walk you home if you need."

    Nodding again, you smiled. "I would appreciate that a lot, yeah."

His eyes narrowed just a bit. "You were never that accepting of any of us walking you before. You always grumbled about it almost the entire time."

"Well, I mean I feel a little less comfortable after- well, after that..." you trailed off as you looked down at your hands.

He gave you a tight smile and ruffled your hair. "Don't worry, I understand. I just liked that other (y/n), she was always fighting back."

"Hey, I'll still fight you back for damn sure," you grumbled.

He laughed as the bus lurched to a stop below you. "There she is."

You rolled your eyes as he stood up, still smiling at you. He let you pass so you could get off the bus first with Kiyoko to check off everything as the team would get off the bus.

Everyone looked extremely tired as they got off and you got a small chorus of soft hi's as they saw you. You smiled at each one, feeling more refreshed than any of them because of your long nap.

    After a brief team meeting to discuss that they needed to retain what they learned over the course of camp, everyone was sent along their tired ways. You fell in step beside Suga as he turned towards the hill that you lived down.

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