Chapter 6

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Sleeping that night was nearly impossible

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Sleeping that night was nearly impossible. You were giddy from the situation you had just encountered, but your mind couldn't help but be bothered by all of it a little bit.

    You enjoyed it, almost more than any other romantic encounter that you had had in the past even though you had only been speaking to him for a few hours. Maybe it was just that that was bothering you, you hardly even knew him. Or maybe it was the thought of going to sit with him at breakfast along with two other hot guys in front of your team.

    You got ready for the day alone after you realized that Kiyoko was already gone. As you put your shirt over your head, you looked at yourself even deeper than before. Could Kuroo have actually found you that attractive? Was he being serious?

    Maybe it was better that you took it at face value and focused on the fact that you kissed such a pretty boy and he even said, "Another time," after it was over. That was enough to make you giddy despite your second thoughts.

    As you went to the door to leave for breakfast, a knock sounded against the door and you stopped. Who could that possibly be?

    You opened it to see an extremely tired looking Kuroo behind it. He squinted at you with tired eyes and smiled with his usual lopsided smile. "'Morning," he said, his voice rough. You wanted to yell, it sounded just as husk as it did when he had said "Another time" in a low voice.

    "Hi," you said, looking at him confused. "What are you doing here?"

    "I'm walking you to breakfast, obviously."

    You shook your head in disbelief before turning around to grab your stuff for the day while saying. "Everyone in this country really likes to walk me everywhere."

    "Hey, I like to keep pretty girls safe," he responded, "and I bet they do, too."

"Safe from what? Stray volleyballs? I can handle that myself," you laughed, standing next to him with your bag, ready to go.

"Awe, sweet, you're assuming the best of these guys," he said, the life slowly coming back to his voice as he woke up. "Now I for sure have to walk you everywhere."

You grumbled, appreciating it just the same as every other walk offer you had gotten, but you didn't like feeling so helpless. Though, part of you was afraid that he was confirming your suspicions of how strange it was to be a girl that stood out so much in a building full of teenage boys. Still, you put on a brave face. "You know, I never had this type of gentleman in America, but I still survived."

"And I can't even think about how many times you were probably in danger," he grabbed your bag off your shoulder and slung it on his own on top of his. "Now let's go."

You walked side by side this morning instead of in the strange position like last night, but that was exactly what you had expected. There were more people out and the thought of having to explain any of that made you want to crawl inside of yourself. You couldn't even explain all of that and you were the one who experienced it.

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