Chapter 9

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It was nearing 2am by the time that you actually reached your apartment and you wanted to absolutely collapse

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It was nearing 2am by the time that you actually reached your apartment and you wanted to absolutely collapse. If the boys were that keen on staying up even later you could always give them food and Wii remotes and hope that they would occupy themselves enough while you slept. It would be nice to be back in your own bed again.

    You dragged yourself and your bag out of Bokuto's car as they did the same. He parked his car in the parking lot right outside your building as you requested of him. Before you could start walking, Kuroo grabbed your bag out of your hand and slung it over his own shoulder with a smile. You smiled back, too tired to fight against his kind act.

    You lead them towards the building. "I told you guys it's not too much, so don't be disappointed," you said again, opening the door for the building and entering. When you reached your door, your hands shook as you tried to put the key in. You didn't know if it was the result of your tiredness or some strange form of nervousness now that they were standing right behind you. You had only been living in this little place for a little bit, but it was still your home so it was part of you in a way.

    After a little bit of struggle, you finally got the key in and unlocked the door. You pushed it open and turned with a small smile. "Here it is."

    Bokuto entered full speed, throwing his stuff on the kitchen island within seconds. Kuroo followed suit with all of your stuff and you quickly grabbed your bag from the pile. Since you were heading home, you had decided to bring your laundry so you could wash it while you were here. As the boys quickly started running around your apartment, you opened the doors that were off to the side of your kitchen to start doing your laundry.

    It had been a long time since you felt this tired. Your limbs were almost uncontrollable as you dumped your laundry in an attempt to reach for the right buttons to press to get it done. A pair of arms circled around your waist from behind and you turned to see Kuroo standing there.

    He placed his head on your shoulder and said, "I can handle this. You go to bed now."

    "No- I can finish it quickly, it's okay," you said, your words hardly even coming out in a coherent sentence.

    As Kuroo let go of your waist, you felt someone take both your hands and drag you away. You turned and made eye contact with Bokuto as he grabbed you by the waist and hoisted you over his shoulder. For a moment you tried to resist him, but your energy was so low you couldn't get in more than a single punch to his back.

He laughed at your fighting and brought you directly to your room. There wasn't much to your apartment so it must've been easy to figure out where your bedroom would be. As he walked you through your door, you felt the familiar smell of your favorite vanilla candle and you smiled.

He grabbed you by your waist once again and lifted you off his shoulder to place you gently on your bed. You mindlessly grabbed your plushie that was next to you and rolled up in your covers, falling asleep in the next second.

Bokuto smiled as he watched you get curled up in this way, and he wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed with you, but he decided to give you your space to get some good sleep. He walked back out into the main living area where he saw Kuroo finishing up the laundry.

"Is she already asleep?" he asked as he saw his friend reappear.

Bokuto nodded. "Yeah, and she looks so cute."

Kuroo smiled and walked towards the bedroom to take a look for himself. There he found you curled up in the same way that Bokuto had admired. When he left your room, he pulled your door shut softly so you could sleep in peace from the two of them.

He crossed the living room to the kitchen to get himself a glass of water, turning to his friend as he filled the glass. "Did you finally get to kiss her?"

Bokuto smiled big. "Yeah, she seemed to really enjoy her night with me."

Kuroo smirked into his glass as he took a sip. "Do you think she knows?"

"Knows what?" Bokuto asked. "That we know everything about what's going on with the other?"

Kuroo nodded in response and Bokuto thought for a second. "I mean, if she didn't she would be kind of a panicky mess, don't you think? We don't exactly seem like the type to do this."

The smile that graced the middle blocker's lips made even the ace confused. "Kuroo, what are you thinking?"

"I just want to mess with her a bit," he mused, wanting a chance to tease the girl that he was starting to fall for so hard. "I mean, I don't care that you have a thing with you too because it's you. Any other guy would piss me off to no end."

Bokuto nodded, sitting down at the counter in her kitchen. "I feel the same way, but I thought we already went over this part."

"What I'm saying is," Kuroo smirked an evil smirk. "What if she thought it was the exact opposite of that?"

"Wouldn't that be mean?"

"We don't have to for long, it could just be funny."

"Didn't she just see us work together to get her to go to sleep?"

He laughed. "I would be shocked if she was conscious enough to be able to remember any of that in the morning. If any of it goes too far we'll just tell her right away."

After some thought, Bokuto finally nodded. "I do like seeing her flustered."

"As do I," Kuroo said, the memory of his heated kiss with you flashing through his eyes. You were so bold then, but he always knew that you overcompensated for the panic he made you feel. He loved to think about those moments of needless panic in your eyes, he loved what he did to you.

Bokuto was having similar thoughts about you at that moment. He just wanted to crawl into bed with you and hold you tight against him, or maybe even more.

From the first second you walked in the gym Kuroo had walked over to his friend and pointed you out in the distance. They had both set their intentions on getting to you, and it didn't take long for the other to figure out that the other was thinking the same way as them.

For some reason, the thought of Kuroo with you didn't bother him in the same way that the thought of you with any other man did. It actually didn't bother him in the slightest, he loved hearing about that night that you and Kuroo had first kissed, and it seemed like Kuroo felt the same way about you and Bokuto.

How long were they going to be able to keep up this act that they hated you with the other? He had no idea, in reality. What he really wanted to do was ask Kuroo if they could both go in there and cuddle you until the morning, but he figured that would defeat the plan entirely.

"I'm gonna go lay down," Bokuto said, getting up and heading to the couch.

"Goodnight, man. Let the fun commence tomorrow."


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