Baby shower

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A/N I wrote this ages ago and so it's not great, it's also not very long, sorry.

I lay in Joey's arms as he strokes my shoulder, we lay in bed for a few minutes in silence. Today was the day of our baby shower so we would have to get up soon to set up, but like any other day we were taking the most amount of time possible to get out of bed. We do eventually get up and I immediately go to the bathroom, going to the toilet and having a quick shower.

After my shower I dry off and blow dry my hair, I walk back to the bedroom and put on my already picked out outfit, a baby blue dress. I tie back my hair in a makeshift ponytail and apply a small touch of makeup, making sure to incorporate a little blue in the look.

I take out my straightening iron and straighten my hair, when I'm done I look at myself in the mirror double checking my hair and makeup then standing up and admiring the dress and my bump, while I do this Joey comes up behind me dressed in a light pink shirt and beige shorts, he wraps his arms around me and we both look into the mirror at us together. "You look beautiful" he says rubbing my shoulders lightly, I smile feeling a slight blush spread across my cheeks, "you don't look to bad yourself" I reply biting my bottom lip, looking back into the mirror I notice Joey now has a matching blush and that makes me smile even more.

For a few minutes we both just stare at us in the mirror stupid grins on our faces.

"I can't wait to meet the little bean" Joey says breaking the silence, he moves his hands from my shoulders to my stomach on top of my hands and rubs them gently, "yeah me neither" I reply smiling, rubbing my hands under Joey's to feel my stomach.


I sit on a chair with Joey at my side, we are surrounded by varying gifts and have a box on our lap, together we open it up looking inside it to see a big pile of baby clothes, "thanks mom" Joey says smiling up, I smile as well, first looking up to Denise "thank you" I say as well, Denise smiles and I turn my gaze back to Joey he gives me a matching grin and we move on to the next big box, a gift from my parents. We open it up and inside we see two homemade baby blankets, we both let out a few awes and say thank you.

Next we pick up a small gift bag, we open it up together and look inside to see an arrangement of baby products including pacifiers, diaper rash cream, bibs and wipes, we smile and say thank you then move onto another gift.

After all the gifts had been opened we had ended up with many clothes, blankets, toys and varying baby products, we said another big thank you to everyone and we continued on with the baby shower.

We played games and ate snacks for hours. Well others did, I sat down most of the day tired and sore, I did join in on the snack part though.

As the day came to an end we said goodbye to a few guests thanking them for coming, thankfully though a few stayed behind and helped us pack up.

Everyone else worked together packing away makeshift tables and chairs as I moved all of the gifts to the car not being able to do much else. When I had finished that I went back to the group who finished a few minuets after I had arrived, I said goodbye and thank you to the last of the guests and Joey and I made our way back to the car, we headed home with all of our new supplies and smiles on our faces.

A/N Alright just a quick little note here, I'm not sure how uploading will be for a little while because I've got !!!MANY!!! assignments I have to do and I really should have been doing them instead of uploading this but... uh yeah, you can probably guess how that went.

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