The Unexpected(8)

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 My eyes nearly popped out of my eye socket. Had I heard right? Samuel was in love with me! How could he be in love with me, when I haven’t done anything to make him love me?

            Samuel stands up hurting taking over his face. “Um…let’s pretend I never said that.” He responded leaving out the kitchen. I chased after him grabbing onto his arm before he could leave.

            “You’re in love with me?” I whispered.  He looked at me and nodded sadly. How could this be possible? I hadn’t done absolutely anything to make either Samuel or Jaydon to love me, and some how they did.

            My head pounded causing a headache to emerge. “How can you love me?”

            “How cant I?” He scoffed. “You’re so fragile that you make any guy want to protect you right away, and then your stubbornness only makes things even better!” He chuckled to himself.

            “Samuel I-“ He put his index finger on my lips. He looked down at me giving me that warm smile of his.

            “I don’t care if you don’t love me, I want to see you happy and I’m glad Jaydon makes you happy.” He whispered. His colds breathe hitting my face. When he said it like that I felt a slight tug inside my chest.

            Samuel was a great guy but why would he fall for a girl like me. He deserved someone better than a girl who doesn’t know what she wants. I was now stuck in the middle of two guys who I became so close too, and I would have to decide who I wanted to be with.

            Then Alejandro comes in the picture, I don’t want to be with him, but he is a part of me. He made who I am today and without all the drama and trouble he caused I would have never met these two guys.

            “I-Samuel…I’m sorry.” I rushed out the door walking down the street. I was speechless; I didn’t know how to respond to any of this. I didn’t know how I felt or what I wanted.

            I walked up to the park and sat down on the bench taking in a deep breath. I had to figure a way to clear my mind and a way to make everything better.

Alejandro Point of View:

            “What the fuck are you talking about?” I screamed at her crazily. There was no way in hell she could be pregnant, it had to be a mistake.

            Arianna took out a folded paper out of her back pocket and handed it to me. “Congratulations Ale you’re going to be a daddy.” She told me.

            I read the paper and it had said exactly what I feared, she was pregnant. I took in a deep breath making sense of everything. She was pregnant, and that was my baby.

            “I thought you were on birth control?” I asked her.

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