The Unexpected(7)

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I stepped back from Jaydon looking at him stunned. Did he just really ask me to marry him? Suddenly it was hard to breathe, and my stomach turned into a giant knot. As much as a surprise it was for me to her him say that, I couldn’t answer to him.

            “Jaydon-“ He interrupted me by flashing me a small smile.

            “I want to marry you, not because I want you to keep that dress but because I want to make you happy.” He sighed heavily.

            I placed my hand on his warm cheek,; he was truly an angel. But he decided to fall for a girl who was more twisted and crazy than his sister. I made him look at me and I made sure he was paying good attention.

            “I don’t want you to feel as if its your job to take care of me, marry me wouldn’t be a pleasant idea.” I told him truthfully. “You’re an amazing guy, but I’m a hand full.”

            He let out a small chuckle. “Marry me,” He said again. He wrapped his arm around my torso and pulled me into him. He placed his forehead on top of mine and looked straight at me.

            For a moment we froze, my brain took me back to where I saw Mindy dying in the hospital. I had promised her that I would try to get Alejandro back, and to this point that’s all I was doing. But behind that promise there was so much more than just getting Ale back, Mindy wanted me to be happy.

            She wanted to see me with someone who made me feel complete, even if it wasn’t Ale. Ale decided what he wanted and now it was my turn, and if he didn’t wan to be part of it, then that was fine I didn’t need him.

            “Are you ready for a commitment like that?” I questioned him.

            “I’m ready for anything, I’m ready to make you happy.” He whispered.

            I got on my tip-toes and planted my lips on his. At first it was soft and gentle and slowly it progressed to a passionate kiss. Jaydon wrapped one of his arms around my waist and pinned me closer to him deepening the kiss. Soon enough our tongues were exploring each other’s mouths.

            He departed from me giving me some space to breathe. He was smiling widely at me exposing me to his dimples. My face turned to a bright red, that was the first time we had ever kissed like that.

            I put my head on his chest breathing heavily. “Can you take me home now?” I asked him kindly.

            He chuckled. “Yeah, come one.” He grabbed onto my sweaty hand and opened the car.


            I walked inside the house to find Samuel in the kitchen cooking food, it was already pass midnight when I arrived. He looked up from the frying pan to give me a quick glance. I found it strange for him to be cooking at this time; he usually came from school at ten and knocked out until the morning.

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