Chapter 58

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She stood up and collected her papers. "I have to go help Alice."

"See you later," he said.

Lily got changed back quickly and met Alice in the Potter's entrance hall. "Are you ready?" Alice asked her with a smile.

"Totally," Lily said.

"Let's get go," Alice offered Lily her hand and Lily took it. They apparated in an empty street just perpendicular to a busier one. Alice led Lily to a store that had two beautiful wedding dresses in the store window. Alice opened the door and the entire store was white. It smelled like roses and a woman rushed to meet them.

"Hello, I'm Amy," the woman said. "How can I help you today?"

"I'm Alice Cooper and I have an appointment," Alice said with a polite smile.

"Of course," Amy said. "Follow me." She led them to the back right corner that had a little couch and a platform. Amy turned to Lily, "Any you are?"

"I'm Lily," she shook hands with Amy.

"She's my maid of honor," Aice said.

"That's wonderful," Amy said. "We have some selections based on your preferences, if you want to try a few on and then show Lily?"

"Yes," Alice said. "That sounds great." Alice went behind the curtain and came out in three different dresses. Lily and Alice chose the same favorite dress. It was white and floor length; it hugged Alice's waist, but fell flat when it reached her waist it was satin. The topwas beaded with a high neckline and an open back.

"Its beautiful," Lily said.

"I know!" Alice said. She was beaming.

"Frank's going to love it,,"

"I know!"

"Are you going to buy it?


"Oh my gosh I'm so happy for you," Lily said.

"Me too," ALice said.

"When is your wedding date going to be?" Amy asked, coming up behind the girls.

"The first of July," Alice told them.

"That's so soon," Lily said. It wasn't a bad thing, but it was fast. Her best friend was getting married, in the summer. Lily was just worrying about where she was going to live when they graduated.

Lily checked her watch, "Its 5:00."

"We've been here that long?" Alice asked. She had just paid for the dress. It was miraculously in Alice's price range which Lily was thankful for because Alice absolutely refused to talk to her mother.

"Yep," Lily said. "Thank you Amy," Lily called.

"No problem," Amy told them. "Just doing my job." Then she handed Lily a small business card. "Think of us for your big day."

Lily blushed, "will do."

Alice and Lily left and went into the small street. It was still empty.

"Why did you turn bright red when she said your big day?" Alice asked her.

"I don't know," Lily said. "I just know that James and I haven't talked about it yet." Lily shrugged.

"You don't think that it'll happen with him?" Alice asked.

Lily opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. "I think it might," Lily relented. "But I want to have an established job before I get myself into anything like a marriage or a family."

"Your saying this is a bad idea?" Alice asked.

"No no no no no," Lily rushed to say. "I think that you and Frank are perfect for this plan, but I don't think that is what I want."

"Are you telling me that if he proposed to you tomorrow that would say no?" Alice asked.

"I'm not saying that I would say no," Lily said hesitantly. "I'm just saying that, I wouldn't actually marry him until I finished," Lily crossed her fingers. "Auror training."

"Okay," Alice said understandingly.

"What's with the questions?" Lily asked.

"I've just been wondering if I'm too young for this," Alice said. They were still standing in the middle of the street so Lily led her to the side.

Lily held her friend's hand and stared into her eyes.

"Do you love Frank?"


"Do you want to marry him?"


"Did he ask you to marry him?"

A chuckle, "Yes."

"Are you having a serious second thought?" LIly asked her.

"Not really," Alice admitted. "I just think about how nobody I know is getting married like I am."

"I don't know anybody who loves each other like you and Frank do," Lily told her.

"You and James for starters," Alice said.

"James was out of control," Lily laughed. "He has asked me to go out with him every day since the first year. I didn't even say yes to going out with him, he just kissed me one day and I decided that I didn't hate it or him. Frank asked you to go out with him at the end of the fourth year and you agreed. He was your first everything and you guys have only broken up a handful of times. He loves you and he will do anything to make you happy. You are just promising to love him forever," Lily told her. "Your love with Frank is pure and honest. You are just being the only people for each other."

Alice smiled sappily. "How come when you explain it, it sounds so simple."

"Because it is so simple," Lily told her. "But I do think that you should talk to your parents."

"Nope," ALice said. SHe grabbed Lily's hand and they appaerated back to the Potter's house.

"I love you," Alice told her.

"I love you too," Lily repeated. They hugged in the center of the Potter's house.

"So you're just saying that to anyone now," James said. He came up behind the girls and Lily let go.

"Don't crush the dress," Lily whispered. She turned back to James, and put her hands on his chest. "Absolutely anyone,"she agreed.

He rolled his eyes, but she pulled his face down to hers and gave him a kiss.

You guys are the best! Thank you so much for all of the support and votes and comments. Thank you, thank you , thank you. xoxo -Anne 

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