Chapter 47

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"Hello," Alice said as she descended the Evans' stairs.

"Hello Alice," the Evans woman chorused. They all talked mildly until bed and in the morning it was Valentines day. Alice ran over to Frank's early in the morning, like very early five am. Lily knew this because she felt a horrible pain in her body. She immediately awoke and after she took a few deep breaths, then decided she should do something productive with her day.

She got up and dressed in something she knew James would like, but that wasn't outright slutty. A black leather jacket and a green bralette. She wore a long black skirt with a long deep tear in the side. She put on matching green stiletto heels and her hair down around her shoulders.

She left a note for her mother and apparated to Potter Manor. Lily knocked on the door and it swung open almost immediately. "Hello Lily," Mr Potter said.

"Hi Mr. Potter," Lily said. "Is James-"

"Asleep," he finished.

"May I?" Lily motioned up the stairs.

"By all means wake him up." He opened the door and Lily stepped inside. "Try to wake up my wife while you're at it." Lily smiled and the two parted ways. Lily crept into James' room as not to wake him up yet.

She laid down next to him. He was asleep and he looked so peaceful. She kissed him and he kissed her back. Then he pulled away from her, not fully awake yet.

"I have a girlfriend," he told her in a very sexy, early morning voice.

"I am that girlfriend," she told him. She thought that his reaction was the sweetest thing she had ever heard. He opened his eyes and saw Lily for the first time that morning.

"You're so pretty," he told her.

Lily smiled, "good morning to you too."

"Happy Valentine's day," he said. She leaned over and kissed him again and he kissed her back much more awake. The voice he had was very hot.

"Happy Valentine's Day," she repeated. "We should do something today."

"I already have a plan," James said. He sat up in the bed so that he and Lily were roughly the same height sitting down.

"What's the plan?" Lily asked him.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you," he said. He tapped her on the nose and Lily gave him a look.

"Let me get ready and then we can start," he said.

"Okay," Lily agreed.

He went into the bathroom and Lily flinched at her aloneness. She took a few deep breaths and then the pain subsided immensely. Lily hadn't realized that her eyes were closed until she felt James' lips on hers. "I am so sorry," he apologized. "I should have been thinking."

"James," Lily said. "It's fine. Really."

"Okay," he agreed. He did not seem completely sure about it, but it was obvious that there was no arguing. He grabbed a shirt and a pair of pants that accentuated his muscles.

"Do you want to hear the first part of the plan?" James asked her.

"Yes," Lily said enthusiastically. It was common knowledge that Lily was the planner out of the pair and her out-of-the-loop-ness was driving her insane.

"Breakfast," he said. He cooked Lily breakfast and it was delicious.

"How did you know I like pancakes?" Lily asked sarcastically.

"Lucky guess," he suggested. He leaned down and kissed her.

"That smells so good," Marlene said as she entered the kitchen. James flipped a pancake at Marlene, who caught it in her hand.

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