Chapter 9

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"Time for dinner," Marlene told them. Lily checked the clock nearest to the bed and it read 6:41pm.

"Okay," Alice agreed.

"Let's go," Sirius motioned to the door. He accidentally hit his girlfriend in the face.

"Ouch," Marlene said, even though it couldn't have hurt that much. She put her hand on her head, where he had hit her.

He removed her hand from her forehead. "Sorry," he apologized. He kissed her on the forehead. Lily felt her expression soften and her heart melted a bit. Sirius was so sweet when he was around Marlene. Lily snapped back to reality and saw Marlene and Sirius snogging in the doorway.

"Cut it out," Lily told them. Her friends broke apart and Marlene gave Lily a dirty look. "Are we going to have dinner or what?" she asked.

"Let's," Alice agreed, as she pushed past Sirius and Marlene in the process. As they descended the steps Alice asked, "How did you even get into the girl's dormitory anyways?"

"A marauder never reveals his secrets," Sirius told them. Lily was very curious, but she started to realize that she was famished, she hadn't eaten lunch that day.

The four of them walked down the stairs and through the portrait hole. They descended the stairs and walked all the way down to the Great Hall. They walked over to where and James and Remus were already having a heated discussion.

"James you can't," Remus insisted. "Head duties are more important than this."

"Nothing is more important than this," James said enraged at his friend's inability to understand what he understood.

"I'm sure that Remus is right," Alice said as she slipped into the seat next to Remus. Lily ended up next to James across from Remus and Alice. SHe gave him a small and very subtle and polite nod. He gave her a 'Jim' look and they returned to the conversation.

"Thank you," Remus was telling Alice.

"You don't understand," James said. Lily thought that she might understand. She knew that Remus was a werewolf. SHe hadn't told anybody, but it was easy enough to figure out. She couldn't comprehend how James fit into this, but she could feel the importance of this to James.

"Then help me understand," Alice said.

"It's more complicated than that," James said.

"I am sure that there is merit to both," Lily decided on a neutral statement. Then picked up a roll from a large basket of them. SHe started to pick it apart with her fingers, eating the pieces she ripped off.

James swept his hand towards her in an example motion, "See?"

"No," Remus told them. "Head duties are not to be taken for granted."

"That's true," Lily said.

"Oh, come on," James said. "I thought that you supported me Evans."

"Old habits die hard," Lily said with a nonchalant shrug. He frowned at her, but she knew that he wasn't that supset. James shifted his weight on the bench. He kicked her by accident. Lily didn't even flinch or look at him. She found herself thinking about how sweet with Marlene. How that arse had turned into a kind person. She knew that she wanted something like that. She knew that she could get it with a man who really liked her, he was right beside her. She hooked her ankle around James'. She didn't look at him, but she could feel his gaze on her. She bit her lip, but didn't look at him. He turned his attention back to Remus and Alice, who were looking at the pair of them.

"What?" James asked.

Alice squinted at them, but said, "Nothing."

"What Head duties would you be missing?"Lily asked James, returning them all to the conversation.

"We are supposed to be paroling that night and making the schedule for the next week," James told them all.

"That is a big thing to skip," Alice said, giving her opinion. Remus nodded in agreement and Lily made an "mm-hmm" sound with a little frown.

"Skip it," remus told James.

"You know I can't," James said. This part of the conversation seemed to be closed off to Lily and Alice, but they had nowhere to go.

"Sirius will be fine," Remus said.

"I will not," Sirius said dramatically joining the conversation. "What won't I be fine about?"

"James has Head Boy duties on Thursday night," Remus told him.

Sirius sucked air through his teeth, "Ooh." He looked unsure, but he said, "Peter and I will be fine."

"That was the least sure, I have ever heard you," James told him.

"It will be fine," Sirius said in a more concise tone.

"You aren't," Remus said. "If you do, we are going to forcibly remove you." James looked over at Sirius for conformation. He nodded with his brows furrowed, almost aggressively.

James sighed in decent, "fine." He threw up his hands in exasperation. "I won't."

"Great," Lily said. "Then we can have all of Thursday night to walk around and work on the schedule," she said flatly.

Alice and Remus laughed at this. They ate dinner with a little bit of conversation, but not a lot. After dinner Lily unhooked her foot from James' and Alice, Marlene and herself, went up to the Gryffindor girl's dormitory.

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