Chapter 31

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The rest of the short break went by quickly and soon enough they were back on the Hogwarts Express. Lily and James were sitting with their friends after the prefect meeting. Lily was flipping through the original copy of A History of Magic and James was trying to gain her undivided attention.

"Lily," James said.

"Mmhhmm," Lily said without looking up.

"Lily," James said again.

"Mmhmm," Lily repeated.

"Lily," James said again.

"Yes," Lily said. She still didn't look up from the book.

James grabbed the book from Lily. She looked up at him, demandingly. "I love you," he said.

"I love you too," she told him. She reached for the book in his hand, but he held it further away. "What?" she asked more demandingly.

"A first year is having an issue in the back cabin," he told her.

"Fine," Lily said. She got up from her chair and climbed over Sirirus who was asleep on the floor. James moved to follow her, but Lily stopped him. "I've got it. It's just a first year."

"Okay," he agreed.

Lily walked down the corridor and all the way down to the last car.

"Hello?" Lily called.

"Hello," said a menacing voice from behind Lily. Lily spun around to look at the person, but their identity was covered by a black hooded robe. Lily heard a noise from behind her and she saw two more people corner her from behind. She lanced to her right and saw Severus standing in a compartment. He didn't make eye contact with her and she couldn't help but feel hurt.

"Aren't you going to answer him mudblood?" another unidentifiable voice asked her.

"I will if you show me your identities," Lily challenged. She slowly reached into the secret pocket of her boot, that held her wand. The fourth voice whipped out his wand and shot a silent spell at her.

Lily immediately felt an agonizing pain in her stomach. Lily doubled over in pain, but she grabbed her wand. She righted herself, despite the pain. "And she still tries to stay at the same level as us," the first hood said. Lily was faster. She put up a protection charm around herself and the charm bounced back at the second hood. The hood flew off for it had only been a disarming charm.

"Regulus?" Lily asked. Lily recognized Sirius' younger brother from under the hood. In that moment the third hood cast a spell that made Lily fly against the door to the nearest compartment. She felt herself bleeding from her lip. She spit and blood came out with her spit. "Fuck this," she said. She cursed the first and fourth hoods to stand motionless and still.

Regulus tried to shoot a curse at Lily, but it bounced off the wall and went harmlessly through the window. Lily bewitched the wooden panels to hold Regulus down and the wand was flung out of his hand. Lily felt herself in agonizing pain.

There was one hooded person left and Lily tried to cast a disarming charm at them, but they dodged. They cast another silent spell at Lily and Lily got her legs knocked out from under her. Lily hit the floor with a sickly crack and a groan. She shot another spell, the same one that she had used on Regulus. They got stuck to the ground, but they weren't facing Lily.

"What are you doing?" the hooded one still spoke. "Curse the mudblood"

That was when Lily realized that he wasn't talking to her. Lily flipped onto her back to look at her former friend.

"Do it," she told him. "Curse me." The pain began to cloud Lily's mind and she clutched her left ribs.

Severus looked pained and conflicted. Lily was not sure what happened after that because she blacked out.

425 reads! I am so happy you guys, honestly I did not expect to get even 4 so this means so much to me. I'll update again, but thank you sm! xoxo -Anne

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