Chapter 13

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"Hey," James whispered to her as she was listening to Alice and Frank say goodbye. Frank had to get back to the Ministry.

"Yeah?" she whispered back.

"Do you wanna get out of here?" he nodded towards the exit.

"Yes," Lily said gratefully.

James took the Head Boys hand and they left the Great Hall together. They walked up to their private dorms in silence, it wasn't uncomfortable though. They were almost to the fourth floor when Peeves magically appeared with a cackle. He dropped a bucket of icy cold water on Lily.

"Peeves!" Lily screamed in aggravation. James was laughing so hard that he was leaning against the railing of the staircase for support. She glared at him and that sobered him up quickly. She started to feel the coolness seep onto her skin. She missed James' jacket that they had abandoned in the Head Boy and Girl's office.

James was looking at her, but not her face. She followed his gaze to her white blouse that turned see through when it came into contact with water. The fact that she was wearing a black bra wasn't helping.

"James," Lily said, drawing his attention back to her eyes. He looked a little embarrassed, but she figured that she just had agreed to be his girlfriend, so she wouldn't yell at him in the middle of the corridor. "Let's go," She grabbed his hand and led him to the portrait hole faster than they had been going. They reached the entrance within the minute. James gave the password and the couple entered their common room.

"My goodness," Lily said. She started to shiver, she knew that the shirt was the problem. It was what was keeping her cold. James took one look at her and took off his shirt.

"What are you doing?" Lily asked.

"Put this on," he told her. He handed her the quidditch jersey.

"Thanks," Lily said, a little surprised. Her room was just upstairs, maybe he was afraid that she wouldn't come back down if she went up. She thought that it was sweet either way. James turned around so that he couldn't see her changing. She was pulling up her top she caught sight of the black mark.

"There is something that I should probably tell you," Lily said.

James looked really nervous, but he said, "You can tell me anything."

She smiled, she felt lucky that she had him and mad at her younger self for having such a short fuse when it came to him. "Do you remember that night when Sirius and Marlene wanted us to get tattoos?"

"Sure," James said, looking involuntarily at his ankle where his tattoo was, it read 46.

"Well," Lily said. "I told you that I chickened out and that was a lie. I didn't chicken out. I'm not completely sure what possessed me to do this, maybe it was Marlene, but..." She removed her hand from just under her ribs. There in place of her hand was a tattoo that also read 46.

James looked surprised for a second. Then he pulled her to him. She felt his body on her's and she felt like his shirt, that she was wearing, was keeping them apart. Get a hold of yourself she thought.

"Is the tattoo what you had me all freaked out about?" James asked.

"Yeah," Lily admitted.

"Well," he said. "I think that it is adorable and even more proof that you had a crush on me."

"We were really drunk," Lily said in her defense.

He shrugged her comment off. "We have matching tattoos now," he told her.

"It's meant to be," Lily joked.

He leaned down and kissed her with more passion than Lily had ever felt. He lifted Lily up and she clung to his waist with her legs and her hands in his messy black hair. He placed her on the kitchen table and , without breaking the kiss, Lily kicked off her red heels. He reached up to her hair and pulled his wand out. Lily's hair cascaded around her shoulder, even damp it had an undeniable shine to it. Lily laid down on the table and James was leaning over her. She felt his muscles working as he kissed her neck. Lily let a moan escape her lips. His dare chest radiated heat onto her.

"Hey guys," Sirius called as he entered their portrait hole. "Oh," Sirius said as though he was impressed with them. Lily bolted up making her nose hit James' the collision sent Lily bouncing backwards. Her nose really hurt and she sat up for a second time, this time being more successful. James was near the couch and she tossed Lily a blanket with the Gryffindor pattern on it. 

"What do you want, mate?" James asked. He seemed annoyed at Sirius' barging in, but they were best friends.

"Well Pete and I wanted to know if we could play exploding snap in here because some first years messed up a stink smell and the common room smells like our quidditch laundry." He shrugged. "It seems like you guys are busy though, we can do it somewhere else."

James glanced at Lily and they both knew that the moment had passed. She nodded. "You guys can play here," James told him.

"Really?" Sirius asked. Mostly directed at Lily.

"Yeah," she confirmed.

"Just stop imagining my girlfriend without a shirt on," James said. Sirius gave him a shrug that didn't mean anything on any of them.

"I'll tell everybody," And with that Sirius was gone. Lily glanced at James from across the table. She was sitting on the table still and he was standing shirtless against the couch.

"I'm gonna go get changed," she said as she slid off of the table. He nodded his understanding and he watched as his girlfriend walked up the stairs. He was happy at that moment. The girl who he had wanted for almost 5 years, had finally agreed to go out with him. He smiled as he watched her walk up the stairs. She got up almost half of the stairs and then she looked back at him. 

She winked at him and then entered her room. She crossed over to her dresser and she put on a green sweater and a pair of black shorts. She picked up the wand that she had brought upstairs and stuck it in her hair once again. SHe picked up James' shirt.

She walked downstairs to the sound of her friend's voices. She walked toward the couch and the fireplace where her friends were sitting in a circle. She jumped over the couch and landed next to Marlene and Remus was sitting at her feet. Marlene glanced at Lily and gave her a knowing smirk. Lily blushed but frowned disapprovingly at her friend.

SHe looked over to James, who still wasn't wearing a shirt. SHe bit her lip until she noticed at that he was looking at her. She tossed James his shirt. He winked at her and Lily blushed. He then tossed the shirt directly into is room, through the door he had left open. He put the shirt back on smirking at Lily all the while. She rolled her eyes and returned her attention to the group as a whole.

I know this was cut short sorry I'll update rlly soon. 

In other news I got 100 reads! I know that isn't actually that many , but it's a big deal to me. Thank you for all your support! xoxo -Anne

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