Chapter 40

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When Alice, James, and Sirius had finally caught up with Frank and the others, they burst through the doors to the Hospital Wing. Alice was in a complete panic, "Oh my goodness!" Alice said.

Alice ran over to Frank's side, "I'm okay."

"But Sirius said," Alice started, but she was crying so it came out muffled.

"That you were dying," James finished. He had looked apprehensive but upon seeming Frank he had relaxed a lot. "So what exactly happened?" James said sitting on the edge of Franks bed diagonally across from where they were sitting on the bed opposite Frank.

"So we walked back to the Three Broomsticks, then somebody led us down a dark alleyway instead of main roads," Sirius began.

"-You" Marlene corrected him.

"Whatever," Sirius said. "Then we got attacked by Bellatrix and Lucious and two other death eaters and they had used the expelliarmus charm on Marlene and I so we didn't have our wands. Lily took out one guy and Frank took out the other. But then Bellatrix used the cruciatus curse on Lily," Sirius began.

At that everyone turned their attention to Lily even Madame Pomfrey. "I'm feeling fine," Lily insisted.

Madame Pomfrey ignored this and strode over. She grabbed Lily's wrist and felt her pulse. "How long was she under?" Madame Pomfrey angled the question to Sirius.

"Maybe four minutes," Sirius said. "She was trying to tell me to grab her wand, but I didn't understand until she actually told me between screams." Sirius flinched at the memory and James looked supremely worried.

"Hmm," Madame Pomfrey thought. "You seem absolutely fine except for a little shaking. I think that it is fair to assume that this is just an adrenaline rush and that you will not feel like yourself for a while, tell me if you need me." Madame Pomfrey moved to do more paperwork.

"People don't usually last very long under that curse without going crazy," James said with genuine concern. "I'm okay," she promised him.

"May I continue?" Sirius asked. Nobody objected so he continued with his retelling. "Then Lily and I turned around and saw Marlene kick the fourth death eater in the gut. I passed Marlene her wand while Lily ran to Frank. We finished off the last one in a matter of seconds and Marlene told us the curse that they had placed on Frank, hidden drowning." Lily and Frank shivered at the thought. "Then Lily started kissing Frank-"

Alice and James snapped their heads in Lily's direction. "Mouth to Mouth!" Lily rushed to correct. They both relaxed a bit, but kept an eye on her.

"Then Marlene was tapping on his chest," Sirius continued.

"Chest compressions," Marlene amended.

"Then Marlen started shouting for this Annie Bondly girl-"

"Anybody," Marlene corrected.

"Yaah and then he spit out some water and Lily got the professors and here we are," Sirius explained.

"That was essentially correct," Lily agreed.

"Well this won't look good," Frank said. The group looked at him curiously. "I'm in the training program to be an Auruor, and three seventh year handled death eaters better than I did."

"Well it's not your fault that those seventh years were such badasses" Sirius said. It earned an appreciative laugh from everyone and they broke out into smaller quieter conversations.

James was still looking at her as though he was worried that she may go crazy in a matter of seconds. Frank shifted from his position on the bed so that he could reach something in his pocket. Lily's gaze left James and sought out what Frank was holding, a small black box. Lily's eyes bulged which made James and Alice turn back towards Frank.

"So now would be a bad time to ask you this?" Frank said, with a little smile. Alice stopped breathing. Frank opened the box and inside was an engagement ring. Lily made a little sound that sounded like a squeal for a chipmunk.

Alice started crying. "Will you marry me?" Frank asked her.

Alice started nodding happily and tears streamed out of her eyes harder. "Yes," she said. Frank was beaming with joy and excitement. He put the ring on Alice's finger and she kissed him for a long moment.

Marlene clapped happily and James was smiling for their friends. Sirius was trying to look bored, but Lily could see the happiness in his eyes. WHen ALice and Frank broke apart Marlene grabbed Alice and she looked at the ring.

"Merlin," Marlene said. "That's beautiful." Lily stood and looked at the ring as well it had a clear diamond with a silver wedding band.

"My goodness," Lily said. Then she turned her attention to Frank, "You weren't going to tell me that you were planning on proposing?"

Frank gave her a little shrug, "Sorry." Lily rolled her eyes, but she was too happy for him to be mad.

Honestly, I know that was mostly a filler chapter out of a ton of other mostly filler chapters, but there ya go. I'll update more later. Thank you for the 500 view they mean so much to me! xoxo -Anne

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