Chapter 26

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It was Christmas Eve's day and Lily was dreading. Marlene was not invited to Petunia's wedding for obvious reasons. Lily sat through a beautiful ceremony and then she sat by herself at a reception. Petunia's wedding was covered in pink roses and light pink tablecloths. It was a beautiful wedding, but everyone was staring at Lily. Some of them haven't seen Lily in six years.

"Lily I haven't seen you in ages!" Lily's aunt said.

Lily smiled politely. "Hello."

"I have a friend who has a son who is your age. He would be perfect for you," Her aunt said.

"Oh--" Lily said. She got distracted when a photo of him was shoved in front of her face. He seemed to be a couple of years younger than Lily, he was riddled with acne, and he had a blonde bowl cut. "I'm actually dating somebody."

"Well," Lily's aunt said as if she didn't believe her. "If anything changes, give me a call."

"Okay," Lily said. She thought that this would be the easiest way to end this conversation.

Lily walked over to her parents who were at the bar. Lily took a glass of unfinished wine from off the table and drank it.

"Lily!" Her mother scolded. "You aren't of age."

"Not here," Lily said. "But normally..."

"Are you okay?" her father asked.

"Peachy," Lily said. "Three people have tried to set me up today."

"I should hope not," a voice said from behind her.

Lily spun around and saw her boyfriend. "James?"

"Hi," he said. Her parents left them alone with smiles.

"How did you know that I needed you?" Lily asked him.

"Intuition," James told her. Lily raised an eyebrow. "Marlene stole your phone and texted me."

"That makes more sense," Lily told him.

"Is that the same dress that you are going to wear tomorrow?" James asked, changing the subject.

Lily looked down at her dress. It was a navy blue long sleeved dress. It ended at her knees and it was really plain. "I've worn this a million times," she told him.

"Really?" He asked. "I don't think I've ever seen you wear it."

"Well I'm not going to wear anything that makes me look remotely good to my sisters wedding, lest she rip it off me herself."

"Oh I wanted to rip it off," James said. Lily's eyes bulged.

"Shhh," he shushed him. James chuckled quietly.

"Hey," Erica called to Lily. Her cousin stumbled over, clearly drunk.

Lily caught her cousin before she fell on her face. "Hi Erica."

"Who's this," Erica slurred. She put a hand on James' shoulder and she stumbled.

"I'm James," he introduced himself. "I'm Lily's boyfriend."

"Ooh," Erica said. She waved a finger in Lily's face.

"Yeah," Lily agreed. "Do you need us to get you a ride home?"

"That sounds nice," Erica said leaning against Lily.

"Okay." Lily and James brought Erica outside and put her into a cab. They waved goodbye and watched Erica through up in the back seat.

"Yikes," James said.

"That wasn't even that bad," Lily giggled as they walked back into the reception.

As soon as James and Lily entered the room they were bombarded by Lily's aunt. "Did I just hear Erica say that this is your new boyfriend?"

"Yes," Lily said. "Aunt Donna this is James, James this is my Aunt Donna."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," James said. He held out a hand and Donna shook it immediately.

"You as well," she said. Lily smiled, she remembered why Donna was her favorite aunt. "Do you go to boarding school with Lily?"

James looked at Lily and she gave him a slight head nod. "Yes I do."

"How rich are you?" Donna asked, studying James' suit. Clearly she had some to drink as well.

"Umm," Lily said. She didn't want to answer the rude question.

"My family is pretty wealthy," James stepped in. "My parents are high ranking government officials." This wasn't technically a lie, and even if it was Petunia would have murdered him if they had told the truth.

Donna nodded appreciatively. "Oops," she said. "That was rude wasn't it?"

Lily smiled pityingly. "A bit."

"Ooooh," Donna said. "I am sooo sorry."

"Really it's fine," James said.

Donna chatted with them for a while longer and the night went on. Petunia wasn't thrilled when she saw James, but he helped keep Lily in check. They danced and Lily had a great time.

"Do you wanna get out of here?" Lily whispered to James.

"Sure," James said. He had been talking to Lily's father, about something Lily wasn't listening to.

"Daddy," Lily said. "I am going to take James home. I'll meet you back at the house."

Lily's mother came over at that moment. "Should we wait up?" she asked with a knowing smile.

Lily blushed. "No need."

Her father shot a look at James and he nodded respectfully. "It was very nice to see you," he said. He shook both of their hands and Rose smiled approvingly.

"See you later," she said. She waved to her parents and they left out of the church door. 

Thank you for all the reads and support. xoxo -Anne

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