Chapter 4

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"You said to set up the alarm at quarter past 8!"

"I said I found a quarter and to get up at 8!" Midoriya yelled back at Bakugo who was currently jumping around the open spaced living room, trying to fit into his pants with his undone white collar shirt flopping around his muscular torso.

Midoriya was packing Bakugo's lunch while simultaneously keeping his eye on the coffee machine. The second the lunch and coffee-to-go were ready he rushed to Bakugo's side, the blonde looking like he was ready to tear the black tie into tiny pieces.

"Here, let me do it."
Midoriya placed the food into Bakugo's hands and tied the silky material into a neat tie, fixing the two wrongly done buttons and adjusting the collar.

"Fuck!" Bakugo cursed after he averted his eyes from Midoriya's concentrated expression and glanced at the watch on his hand.
He should've been out of the building 2 minutes ago.

"What about the coat?! " Midoriya yelled after Bakugo's rushing figure.

"I got a spare one in the office!"

"Don't forget about the meeting!"
By the time Midoriya finished his sentence, the door was already slammed.

The only thing missing in this scenario is a kiss on a cheek and a "have a nice day honey".
Midoriya facepalmed himself when the thought crossed his mind, hiding his flustered face behind his hands.

He turned his attention to the small mess in the kitchen and went to clean it.

Surprisingly the whole living together thing wasn't as hard as he expected it to be. Sure it was difficult at the start, both Bakugo and he avoided each other as much as they could, the few words they would exchange were tense and restrained.

However as the time went by things gradually changed, both of them adapted to each other's habits and rhythm. Their conversations lasted longer, the flow of them being so natural that one would never imagine Midoriya being Bakugo's ex punching bag.

He jumped a bit when the laundry machine went off, snapping him out of the dark place his mind went. Lately those thoughts seemed to be present more and more despite his efforts to ignore their existence.

With a hole in his stomach that drove away what little appetite he had early in the morning, Midoriya went to string up the laundry on the terrace that could probably house a family of five.

Despite living with Bakugo for almost 3 months now, he was still getting used to Bakugo's rich lifestyle.
Not that Bakugo cared much about that; it was something that came almost naturally with the Number Two spot.

The winter was slowly approaching and with that the temperature dropped, making Midoriya's breath visible as he hanged the laundry.

That was one of the things that changed; he went from Bakugo's underling to an unofficial housewife, due to the previous housekeeper quitting after Bakugo practically scared out her soul from her body.

Once he was done he approached the railing and leaned on it, the cold instantly reaching the bones of his skinny fingers.
The view from the terrace was usually breathtaking but it currently held a feeling of deep sadness, the far horizon was covered by a dim white fog that made it look like there was nothing in the distance, just emptiness that seemed to stretch into forever.

... take a swan dive off the roof of the building.
The sudden memory felt like a punch to the stomach, making Midoriya clench his teeth and grip the cold railing while shutting his eyes, his staggered breath taken away by the wind.

Collision; a BakuDeku storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz