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Louis was seated in the back of the large black car with tinted windows that was taking him back to his house. He had already dropped Liam off at his hotel. All he could hear was the slow rumble of the ground under the wheels of the car, and the thought of Harry's voice replaying in his head.

'he is broken
and i'm hoping someday he'll open'

Louis could not get these words from his head no matter how hard he tried. He was broken. But he also wondered whether he was ready to open up...Maybe he was ready for Harry. Maybe he was ready to be enough for Harry again, even though he never thought he could ever possibly be enough for Harry. He just needed to see Harry again, but for real this time. He needed to be able to look into his eyes up close to see what he was feeling. He could always read his soul through his eyes like a book, but it had been so long that Louis had lost his place.

His thoughts were interrupted by the driver saying that they had arrived at his house. He got out of the car and made his way to the door, his thoughts still circling around one thing: Harry.

He didn't know when it started or why it was happening, but Louis' hand had started shaking as he reached out to open the door. He was probably just getting himself worked up over Harry again. 'Great' he thought. 'Liams already left, what am I gonna do now if I start to break down...' Nothing could have prepared him for what he was about to see when he pushed the door open. As he looked up from the ground after closing the door his eyes met a pair of green ones standing several inches higher than his own.

Harry. Harry was waiting for him in his house. Why?

Louis couldn't help it. With the smell of vanilla and rose that was coming off of Harry, tears began to well in Louis' eyes and eventually slip down his cheeks as he stood there in silence.

"I uh...I- have to tell you something..." Harry said softly, looking as though he wanted nothing more than to close the distance between them, but was thinking better of it as he continued,

"But I haven't figured out if you want to hear it or not..." As he said this, Louis' eyes closed and he shook his head slightly, looking back down to the ground. Harry took a small step forward and whispered,

"Hey, please don't cry Lou...I hate it when you're upset."

The nickname made Louis cry even harder if that's even possible. He plucked up enough energy to look into Harry's eyes and say,

"I know what you're gonna say, but I just want you to think about it first. I don't want you to get stuck again."

"Louis I was never stuck..." Harry said, now slowly getting progressively closer to Louis.

"I know I was never ready then, but now..."

Harry breathed in sharply at this confession and walked as closely as he could possibly get to Louis, using a single finger to gently push Louis' chin up until their eyes met again. Harry stared deeply into the deep ocean of blue just mere inches from his face as he pulled up a thumb to gently wipe the tears from Louis cheeks. At this, Louis' breath hitched and his eyes briefly flickered down to Harry's lips. Before Harry could say anything else Louis had ever so slightly moved closer in, so that their lips just barely brushed past each other as Louis slowly brought his head up. Harry's eyes fluttered shut as he breathed out slowly, adjusting to the moment. He had waited for this for so long, but he didn't want to ruin the moment. It had been years of being apart, but they felt as comfortable now as they had 6 years ago before everything happened.

It was Harry who moved this time. He used the finger he had on Louis' chin to bring their lips gently together again. Louis closed his eyes and fell into the kiss as though they had never been apart. Everything he had been suppressing, everything he had written, every emotion he had ever felt, was pouring out now for Harry to see. He reached his hand up to the back of Harry's neck and pulled him in closer as they stayed in a soft and polite kiss. There was no rush, just time. Time to share between the two of them. Louis pulled away the tiniest distance and began to say,

i think i'm ready to dance again.Where stories live. Discover now