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Louis, Harry, and Liam had just been taken into their studio space and they did not end up seeing any paps at all which to Louis especially, was a great surprise. They usually managed to keep it pretty quiet when they were going to go to the studio, especially when they were recording something that they didn't want people to know about.

"At least no one will know you're going into the studio together." Liam said brightly.

"Yeah that will make the surprise so much better." Harry agreed.

The three of them were walking in a line next to each other, in order from left to right, Liam them Louis then Harry. The last two were clasping their hands tightly together, Harry's left hand in Louis' right one.

They figured that Harry's band was already there because all of the lights were already on and there were some doors open. As Harry led them closer to the studio, Louis could hear the faint sound of a guitar which he recognized to be the man he saw on stage with Harry who he now knew to be Mitch.

When they reached the room Harry pushed Louis through the door in front of him and wrapped his arms around his neck from behind in a tight hug with his chin on Louis' shoulder.

"Everybody," he began, interrupting the low rumble of chatter and instruments in the room. "This is my beautiful boyfriend Louis. He's also very talented. And it's about time you meet him given that half of you have co-written billions of songs about him without having ever seen him."

As Harry spoke, Louis found himself leaning back into Harry's chest subconsciously and gripping onto his forearms gently. "Hello everyone."

There was a murmur of 'hey's and 'hello's or 'good to meet you' as they walked further into the room to let Liam through the door.

"And this," Louis began dramatically as he gestured towards Liam. "is my amazingly stunning and wonderful best friend Liam."

"Wow!" Mitch exclaimed from his spot in the corner of the couch. "Three fifths of One Direction!"

"Shut up." Harry laughed. He introduced everyone by name in order of where they were seated around the room, smiling to himself when he saw Louis and Mitch getting along well.

"So what's the plan?" Sara asked from her seat behind the drums.

"So obviously you all know that we're recording 'medicine', but we haven't really decided the organization of who's singing what, so we should probably do that first." Harry explained as everyone nodded along.

"Are you going to sing as well?" Mitch asked Liam kindly.

"No I'm just clingy so I followed Louis here." He laughed. "I'm just gonna be here with him and listen."

"Ok cool. Just checking to see how many people we'll be splitting between." Mitch replied.

Harry was leaning back against the wall now, but still had not removed his arms from around Louis. Almost as though he was afraid that if he even dared to loosen his grip, Louis might slip away.

Sara was the next to speak again saying, "There's a print out of the lyrics if you want to mark it up with who's singing or something."

Harry and Louis made their way over to a stand in the corner which had a sheet of paper holding the lyrics. Harry grabbed a pen from next to the paper and bent the stand so that he could write against it.

They began speaking quietly to each other so that no one could hear anything. Not because they didn't want to involve everyone else, but simply because they wanted to be able to do it themselves and have it be something they decided on together. They spoke very few words and communicated mostly with their eyes.

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