everything we do happens in the kitchen

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Louis listened intently as the song began. He was curious about it because of the title. He had also made plenty of references to kitchens, hallways, and dining tables just as Harry had so he wanted to hear what Harry had to say. After all, they never got to talk about it when it all went wrong.

'woke up alone in this hotel room
played with myself, where were you?
fell back to sleep
i got drunk by noon
i've never felt less cool'

They had always shared everything when they were on tour. Dressing rooms, hotel rooms, compartments on the bus...everything. Louis knew exactly how it felt for Harry's to wake up for the first time without Louis in the bed because he had done it too. He had felt lost...He didn't get morning drunk but the number of cigarettes he smoked per day went up drastically. They were both coping, just in different ways.

'we haven't spoke since you went away
comfortable silence is so overrated
why won't you ever be the first one to break?
even my phone misses your call by the way'

This song was like Sweet Creature all over again. Louis never broke first because he was stubborn. It was another example of why he did not deserve Harry, in his opinion. They would fight, then they would sit there in silence, and it was always Harry who gave in. Always. He would come over to where Louis was sitting and he would drape himself over his lap and wrap his arms around Louis' neck and whisper in his ear "I love you" until it was all better and Louis held him back in a tight hug again. He was kicking himself now for never letting Harry have a break from always taking the fall. Just add it to the growing list of things that he'll have to try harder on this time...

'i saw your friend that you know from work
he says you feel just fine
i see you gave him my old t-shirt
more of what was once mine
i see it's written it's all over his face
comfortable silence is so overrated
why won't you ever say what you wanna say?
even my phone misses your call by the way'

Louis wasn't exactly sure what all of this meant because the only 'friend that they knew from work' that Louis had kept close to him was Liam and he knew that Harry hadn't had contact with him. Maybe he saw it on instagram? Or maybe it was Niall? Louis had spoken to Niall a little towards the beginning so maybe he had spoken to Harry about it...

Louis never was very good at sharing his feelings or communicating his thoughts, so it hit kind of hard to hear the line about not saying what he wanted to say. A lot of the time he didn't even know what he wanted to say and it was his thoughts. Harry would always ask a soft "What is is Lou?" and Louis would smile and say "It's nothing love, don't worry about it." because what else was he supposed to say if he didn't have anything? This topic was typically a source of their disagreements when they were together the first time around, so hopefully they will be able to work it out this time because Louis can't live without Harry again. He just can't.

'maybe one day you'll call me
and tell me that you're sorry too
maybe one day you'll call me
and tell me that you're sorry too
maybe one day you'll call me
and tell me that you're sorry too
but you
you never do'

This confused Louis greatly because when he had stood there spilling apologies out in person when it all happened, Harry wanted nothing to do with him, but now here he was saying he was expecting a call with an apology? Louis had tried apologizing...probably thousands of times. Why would he call if he thought that Harry never wanted to hear from him again? Of course he was sorry, he just didn't think Harry wanted to hear it...so apparently they were both wrong.

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