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That's all Louis could hear.

Massive amounts of people on all sides of the rope border, excessive amounts of shouting and pointing and flashing. It was all very overwhelming and Louis always forgot how stressful it was until he was faced with it again. He just hoped he didn't look like a complete idiot in any of the photos. Sometimes paps just catch you at the worst times. But he thought he looked pretty good. He was dressed in the deep emerald suit he had picked the other day, a black shirt showing beneath the jacket, black shoes and socks, his signature hair style pushed down over his forehead, and most importantly, his phone clutched in his hand with Liams face on the screen. Liam had told Louis he would be there, so he was fully prepared to be on the phone with Louis all night, just in case he needed him.

Everyone was everywhere. Louis felt bad sometimes because he couldn't tell you the names of half the people here even though he works in the same industry. A few years ago the thought of performing in front of this many people would have freaked him out, but now the only thing he was afraid of was singing in front of Harry.

Louis didn't technically use his plus one since Liam was the only person he would have considered bringing and he said he couldn't come. So Louis had to face the cameras alone with Liam in his hand. Every once in a while Liam would say something like:

'Just a few more mate.'
'Don't let it get to you.'
'Just remember, a picture doesn't show who you really are.'

Louis was focusing more on hearing Liams voice than the flashing cameras which made it easier to not have a panic attack. Thank god for Liam Payne.
Harry couldn't even hear his own thoughts over the sounds of the cameras and the various conversations taking place at loud volumes all around him. He had been slightly on edge because there is no way of knowing who you are going to see each time you turn around. Someone you hate, someone you love, someone you're not supposed to love but still do...ANYWAYS moving on. Harry was just telling himself over and over that once he reached the end of the carpet, he would be able to go back to his table with Mitch and try to get some time of relaxation before he had to perform in front of him for the first time in almost 6 years.

'Just keep smiling.'

Harry turned abruptly over his right shoulder. He could've sworn he had just heard Liams voice, but he was nowhere to be seen. He decided he must have been imagining things because Liam wasn't even up for an award so he wouldn't be there anyways. He had always wondered if anyone had kept in touch with each other. He had spoken to Niall a few times but other than that he hadn't spoken to anyone.

He made his way to his table which was located towards the front near the stage but still a few rows back. He looked around at who was at the tables around him and he saw BeBe Rhexa not too far away. She had done a song with Louis a few years ago but he never listened to it.

He didn't know who the opening performance was, he just knew it wasn't him. He was meant to be sandwiched in between one of the awards. Little did he know that his question would be answered for him in the next couple seconds when the lights began to dim until everything was black.

A soft green light began to illuminate the stage slowly from the floor up. He still couldn't see anyone though. Not until a pair of small black shoes could be seen in the dim light as it rose from the stage. As the light continued to rise it took only a couple more inches for Harry to know exactly who he was looking at. His hand shot over to Mitch and he grabbed his arm at his breath hitched. He wasn't ready for this, yet somehow there was nothing he wanted more than for the light to rise and reveal the face of the man he loved. Mitch returned a comforting pat on Harry's hand. When the lights had fully risen, the fans above the floor seating had clearly figured out who it was on the stage and they had started screaming hysterically. A pair of bright blue eyes fluttered nervously around the room, but Louis stood completely still. Harry noticed how deep in thought he looked as his tattoo covered arms laced behind his back and his head tilted slightly down before he slowly lifted his mouth to the microphone. The room had gone completely silent in anticipation, and Harry wasn't sure whether the sound of Louis' voice would make him smile or cry.

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