27. Homesick

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Homesick- Dua Lipa

Meredith Grey

"Meredith! You need to get up now!" Amy is banging on my bedroom door.

It's what....6am? Unacceptable.

She moved back in when I left the hospital, giving Callie and Zona back their couch, but I'm seriously regretting letting her come home now that she insists on waking me up at ungodly hours.

"I'm up!!!!" I grumble, slowly pulling the sheets away from my body.

"Meredith." Despite my announcement, Amelia lets herself into my bedroom anyway.
"I've got an early shift, I wanted to see you before I go to work."

"Well here I am." I answer sarcastically.

She just stares at me.

"Amy......Stop looking at me!"

"Sorry... just..." she puts her hair behind her ears. "Be careful. I just thought you needed to hear that."

"I'm always careful."

"You're not though, are you." Her eyes seems slightly glassy.

I tap my mattress next to me, signalling for her to come sit, and as she does, I hold her hand.

"I know I scared you. When I stopped swimming. I scared myself in the water. I'm still scared. So in that sense, I will be very very careful. Addison will be with me all day. I'm not going anywhere, Amelia." I reassure.

"Okay... okay... you know I love you right?" She exhaled, getting up again and beginning to rebuild her wall.

"I do. I love you too."

"Good. Enough of this sappy shit. I'm meeting Callie for coffee before work."

And before I can even wish her a good day at work, she is gone. The only evidence of Amelia's emotion being a single tear drop on my white comforter.

God I feel guilty. I knew the drowning impacted her. But it's been almost six weeks. I've been home for almost two. She still seems on edge about it. Is that my fault?

At around 9 in the morning, I'm awoken again by the house phone.

"Dr Grey speaking." I answer groggily.

"Dr Grey, this Adam from Seattle Nursing Home, I'm calling regarding your mother, Ellis Grey."

"Go on..." I sit up a bit straighter against my headboard.

"Your mother experienced a seizure in the early hours of the morning. It seemed it was in response to an increase in her medication."

"Oh my God! Is she okay? Where is she?" I practically yell down the line.

"She's fine, Doctor Grey. She's been assessed by our on-site neurologist and is stable and well."

"I need to see her. I'm... I'm a doctor... let me check her myself." I wail.

"Visiting hours aren't until 3pm on Wednesdays."

"I'm sorry... but my Mom just had a seizure. I'm coming right now."

With that, I put the phone back in the cradle and jump out of bed.

"Addison! Addison!" I shout down the hallway and she comes running out of her room , half naked and obviously having just woken up.

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