Chapter 15

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John POV

I kinda feel bad for Thomas I saw his eyes when Alex said he was wanted me to stay, I think he still thinks there's something going on but there's not. I mean yeah Alex is still my best friend but we both have boyfriends and have moved on "Why didn't you want Thomas to stay?" I ask.

"Cuz I didn't! It's not like I  have to stay with him 24/7" Alex snaps. I just raise an eye brown and he sighs "I love him, so much, but whenever shit like this happened or whenever I'm sad and stuff he just over reacts and says everything's gonna be alright or tries to fix it. He never just listens and he Blames himself which is sweet but makes me feel bad and I just didn't wanna do that right now" he explains.

"Oh I'm sorry. Do you want me to talk to him?" I ask.

"Nah it's fine. Do ya know if dominos delivers here?" He asks

"Uhh probably not cuz it's a hospital but I can go get it if ya want" I reply.

"Oh yeah could you? I'll give ya money"

"Bro you just got shot you don't gotta pay for fuckin pizza" I laugh "I'll be back in like 20 minutes" I say and walk out.

Alex POV

John walks out so I decide to text Thomas.

Alex: Hey

Thomas👑: Hi

Alex: wyd

Thomas👑: working, I'll text you later.

Alex: oh ok

I put my phone down and sigh. Ughhhh this is the worst, I'm not allowed to get up without help, Thomas can't talk to me and It feels like someone his holding a ball of fire to my side. I turn on the TV and start scrolling through channels until I see friends on.

After a while John comes back with a pizza and 2 drinks. "What we watchin?" He asks, sitting next to me.

"Friends" I reply.

"Oh cool what episode?"

"The one in Vegas part 1." I grab a piece of pizza.

After about 3 episodes something else starts playing so we turn it off. It's only like 8:30. "Mkay so tell me like everything about you and Thomas" John says.

I laugh "omg you sound like that annoying group of girls Peggy used to be friends with who always wanna know everything"

"Hey don't compare me to them they was so basic and straight! Anyways spill the tea bitch" he replies.

"Ight fine but like we don't got a dramatic relationship or anythin" 

"You hated each other then the next thing I knew you was sleepin together"

"Oh right ok. So basically when I accidentally ran into his room he was like pretty chill and felt bad for me then I kissed me-" I start explaining but he cuts me off.

"Hold up he kissed you while we was still together?"

"Well yeah but are YOU really gonna get mad at me cuz another guy kissed me while we was together?" I ask.

"Yeah ok that's fair, sorry again but continue"

"Ok so that happened then I ran out and talked to Washington then I broke up with you and told Thomas I wasn't ready for a relationship and later that night I slept with him cuz that's just how it works obviously then he wanted to talk so we did and I apologised but still didn't want a relationship but then when there was a storm we actually started dating" I explain.

"Oh cool. Hey we're all good right? Like you're not still mad at me about what happened?" He asks.

"I was but yeah we good now. Besides if we hadn't broken up I wouldn't have started dating Thomas and you wouldn't be dating Charles" I reply. He smiles a nods.

*The next morning*

I wake up and check the time, it's like 7:45 and John's still asleep. I decide to try text Thomas again.

Alex: hey are you up?

Thomas👑: Yeah why?

Alex: no reason, I'm just bored.

Thomas👑: Do you wanna FaceTime?

Alex: yes plz🥺

He calls me and I pick up straight away. "Hey" I smile.

"Hey, how you feelin?" He asks.

"Eh, still kinda shit but mostly fine. Anyways what are you doin today?" I reply.

"Not much, I gotta work  but that's it. Is that John next to you?" He asks.

"Uh yeah he's still asleep. Are you gonna come down here later?"

"Umm I don't know think I have time. Actually I gotta go get ready for work now so I'll talk to you later"

"Ok-" he hangs up for I can finish. I sigh and put my phone down. Was he acting weird or is it just me? I nurse walks in.

"Good morning Mr. Hamilton, are you feeling all alright?" She asks.

"Yeah I guess" I reply.

"That's good. I'm just check to make sure everything's working properly then I'll get out if you're hair." She walls over starts checking some of the machines and stuff then leaves.

"John!" I yell.

"Ugh shut the fuck up" he groans.

"No I got shot get me coffee!" I reply.he groaned and slowly gets up.

"I hate you" I just smile and he walks out. Like 15 minutes later he comes back with 2 coffee. "Here. Can I go back to sleep now?"

"No. I bored and Thomas can't come today and either way visiting hours start at 8:30" I reply.

"Ugh you're so mean to me" he groans and sits back down. I grab the remote and look through the TV. "There's not even anything good on"

"Ugh I hate the hospital. When can I leave?" I ask.

"Bruh you got shot I gotta stay for a while" he says.

"I'm fine honestly" I defend.

"Really? Get up." I nod and start to get up. "Omg sit back down that's obviously extremely Painful!" He exclaims.

"It's not that bad it just feels like someone's impaling me with a blade that burning hot" I reply.

"Oh yeah everyday pain" he rolls his eyes. We talk and sit on our phones for while until Martha Peggy, Laf, Herc, Eliza and Angelica all walks in.

"Hey, how you feelin?" Laf asks.

"Eh alright I guess." I reply.

"Sorry George couldn't come, he has a meeting he couldn't miss but he said I should bring your laptop" Martha explains and hands me my laptop.

"Oh all good and thanks" I smile.

"Hey where's Thomas?" Peggy asks.

"He's not here He said he's working" I reply.

"No he's not. When I saw him leaving he said we was coming to see you" Eliza adds.

"Wait why would he lie?" I ask. They just shrug.

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