Chapter 6

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Trigger Warning: Attempted Suicide

Alex POV

I run out of the room and run into Thomas "Babe What's wrong?" He asks when he see's the worried look on my face.

"John! He was in a car crash and has major head injuries, I need to get to the hospital now!"  I exclaim.

"Calm down, It'll be alright. I'll drive you there now why don't you call or text Peggy and Lafayette and all that" He says calmly. I nod and follow him out to his car. When we arrive at the hospital I run to the front desk.

"John Laurens?" I ask.

"Umm right he's currently unconscious due to sever head injuries but he's lucky to have survived. Oh and there's another think, There was no Alcohol on him or other cars on the road, he ran into a tree that was on the opposite side to him so there's a high chance it was a suicide attempt. He's in room 782" She explains.

"Omg!" I gasp and run up to his room followed by Thomas. When we get up there I see him just lying on the bed and he looks bad, I mean like there are scratches and stuff on his face. "John?" I whisper, trying to blink back tears.

"Alex I'm so sorry" Thomas says, gently putting his hand on my shoulder. Before I can reply Peggy, Laf, Herc, Eliza and Angelica all run in.

"Alex! What happened?!" Peggy yells.

"H-He was in a car crash. He wasn't drunk and there were no other cars... T-They think it was a suicide attempt." I explain

"Omg?! Is he gonna be ok?" Laf asks.

"They think he'll wake up soon but he's lucky to be alive" I reply. I sit in one of the chairs, Thomas sits next to me.

"S-Someone should get coffee or something, hopefully he'll be away when they get back" Herc suggests.

"I'll go, Alex just text me everyone's order" Thomas offers and gets up.

"What the fuck Alex?!" Eliza exclaims when he's gone

"What?" I ask confused.

"You're dating Jefferson!" Peggy yells.

"You're supposed to hate him!" Laf adds.

"And so soon after John!" Angelica comments.

"Guys it not that big a deal, He's actually really sweet when you get to know him. I know he's been a dick in the past but he's changed. He loves me and cares about me and I care about him too" I reply.

"He started being nice like 2 days ago how do you know if he's not just using you?" Peggy asks.

"Well he said he wasn't so I dunno. Maybe he was lying-" I mumble until John speaks up.

"Guys Jefferson cares about him just leave them alone" He groans.

"John omg! What happened?!" I exclaim. I jump up and walk over to him.

"I dunno car crash I guess" He shrugs.

"But how did it happen? They said there were no other cars on the road and you weren't dunk so what happened?" Laf begs him to tell us.

"Uhhh I don't know I guess I just suck at driving" He replies.

"John..." Peggy says seriously.

"Fine I crashed on purpose is that what you wanted to hear?" He finally says.

"Omg John I'm so sorry" I exclaim. "W-Why?" I ask carefully.

"I dunno I was kinda just like nah with life" He shrugs "And you know things changed and I felt, well feel really bad about it" Omg is this my fault?! Because of Thomas? What does he want me to do I mean I really like Thomas I-I love Thomas but John tried to kill himself cuz we're together.

"Alex! I knew Jefferson had something to do with this." Herc comments. Why are they being so mean about this? I mean I guess I did almost kill all of our best friend.

"No it's not his fault, They shouldn't break up cuz of me. I overreacted and it was a stupid thing to do I'm sorry but don't get mad at Alex and Jefferson, I've accepted they're together now, Y'all should too." John insists.

"Thank you" I smile at him. After about 15 minutes Thomas comes back with everyone's drinks and hands them out. "How much do we own you?" I ask.

"Don't worry about it, these are on me" He replies. Everyone thanks him, 'Alex, would I speak to you for a moment?" He whispers. I nod and follow him.

"We'll be back in a sec" I say to everyone, Once we're out in the hallway he stops "What's up?" I ask.

"You should get back together with John" He says.

"W-what? Don't you wanna go out anymore?" I ask nervously. How did I already manage to fuck up this entire relationship?

"No I do but John loves you and so do I but you still love him, besides you're whole groups hate me." He replies.

"Thomas, I don't still love John I mean I still care about him and he's still my best friend but I wanted to go out with you for a reason, I-I love you" I assure him.

"Really?" He asked, I smile and nod. 'I love you too" He smiles. I quickly lean up and kiss him then we walk back into the room.

A/N Sorry it's a shorter chapter but I'll try upload tomorrow with a longer one

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