Chapter 4

637 13 4

Trigger warning: mentions of self harm and depression, someone being beat up, homophobic slurs

Alex POV

I follow Washington into his office, he sits on the edge of his desk so I sit in the chair in front. "Son-" he starts by I cut in.

"Dad I'm so sorry! I-I wasn't thinking properly and I was depressed about John and then he kissed me again and I-I'm so sorry you must  hate me now!" I start crying again.

"Alex, it's ok" he says gently "I'm not mad at you and I don't hate you. You made a mistake but that's ok. Everyone makes mistakes. I was going to ask you if you needed somewhere else to stay for a couple of nights"

"Y-Yes please" I reply, looking down.

"Alright, come on" he stands up. I follow him out of his office and into one of the rooms they provide for teachers if they ever need to stay over night. "Alex? Have you been taking your medication?" He ask. I just stay quiet and avoid eye contact "It'll help you son, please keep taking it, if you run out come see me and I'll arrange another appointment" he says.

"Okay" I reply quietly. When he and Martha first adopted me they found out I did self harm so they took me to a doctor and I was diagnosed with depression so I started taking antidepressants but I haven't really been taking them recently. "Y-you can go home if you want, you don't need to stay here" I say as he makes up a bed on the couch.

"I was gonna stay tonight anyways, besides it's like 3am. I'll go home tomorrow night but you can stay here as long as you need to" he replies.

"Thanks you" I smiles weakly.

*the next morning*

I wake up and look at the time, 10:30. Fuck my next class is in 15 minutes. Lucky I had a free period first, but I have history next. I jump up and run out of the room. I run back to my room and change into some clean clothes, luckily John's not here. I go to the bathroom and quickly take 2 tablets.

I left my phone and wallet in Jefferson's room so I knock on the door, hoping he won't be there but then he opens the door. "Alex! There you are, I was looking for you all morning. Where did you go?" He asks.

"Uh nowhere, I just gotta grab my phone and wallet then I gotta run to class" I reply. He lets me and I grab my stuff then walk back to the door.

"Alex, can we talk?" He asks.

"I don't have time I gotta get a coffee when run to class" I reply.

"Then after your classes. Please?" He begs.

"Ok, fine, I'll be in the library studying at 4, that's just after my last class" I agree, he smiles and nod. I run and quickly order a take away coffee then run to class. "Sorry I'm late sir I-" I start but Washington interrupts.

"It's all god Alexander, take a seat" he smiles and me. I nod and walk to the back.

"What?! He's like 20 minutes late, clearly got a coffee and you all good with that but I was 5 minutes late and you get me in trouble?!" James Reynolds comments.

"Do you have a good reason for being late?" Washington asks.

"No but I bet he doesn't either" he replies.

"Mind your own business Reynolds" John growls at him. He turns back and smiles weakly at me. I bury my head in my arms on the table. This is gonna be the worst day ever.

*after classes*

I make my way to the library and sit down at a table at the back. After about 5 minutes I hear someone people walk over to me "Hamilton" James Reynolds says.

I roll my eyes "what do you want?" I ask. Behind him is John andre and Thomas Paine.

"No one likes a teachers pet" James punches me in the jaw. I stand up and try to hit him but Andre grabs my arm and holds it still then punches me in the ribs.

I stumble back but before I get get my balance back James comes and punches me again, and again and about 5 more times making me fall to the ground. The all surround me and start kicking or punching me.

"Yo What ten fuck are you doing?!" Jefferson yells.

"Aye Thomas come on, he was being a little bitch in class today." Thomas Paine says.

"No what the fuck, get away from him" he replies.

"Oh I forgot your a fag now, did I hear you slept with his little slut?" James asks.

"Don't fuckin call him that" he growls.

"What are gonna do? Go tell his daddy Washington?" Jefferson snaps and punches James in the jaw and trips him over.

He then doesn't and punches both Thomas Paine and Andre in the stomach then face. "Leave home alone" they all just groan and walk away, James glares at both of us. "Are you ok?" Jefferson asks bending down next to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I say I getting up and starting to pack up my books.

"Alex, can we talk now?" He asks. I sigh and sit down, he sits in the chair next to me. "About last night, I'm sorry I should have given you more time after John and I don't even know you like me so I'm sorry"

"Thomas, I-I do like you I just- I'm still trying to get over what happened with John and I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken advantage of you but I just don't think I'm ready for a relationship" I reply.

"I understand, but just- when you see please give me a chance?" He begs.

"I will" I grab my stuff and walk back to the room Dad's letting me stay in.

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