Chapter 1

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Alex POV

Me and John have been dating for about a year. This is our first year in college and we started going out in high school. I share a room with him. Our dorm is in between Lafayette and Hercules's and James Madison and Thomas Jefferson's.

Me and Jefferson never got along. We disagree ok everything and every time we're asked to do a debate in class it usually ends in a lot of yelling and threats of a fight.

Peggy, Eliza and Angelica all share a room on the other side of the campus. They have the guys and girls rooms completely opposite which is kinda pointless if there's a bunch of gay guys all in the same hall but I ain't complaining.

Washington's our history teacher. He's also my dad, well adoptive dad, he and Martha adopted me when I was 15 after my cousin committed suicide but we don't talk about that cuz it's kinda depressing.

"Hey Babe" John Walks into our room and kisses me on the head then walks into the mini kitchen we have.

"Hey, How was work?" I ask.

"Eh it was ok" he replies. He grabs a bag of chips and comes to sit down next to me on the couch. "What'd you do today?" He asks.

"I dunno I finished some work. But I'm so bored now!" I whine.

"We should go to a bar tonight, us Laf, Herc and the girls" he suggests.

"Yeah I'm down for that, text the group chat" I reply.

John🐢: any of u hoes wanna go to a bar tonight?

Peggy🔥: hell yeah!

Lafayette🥖: Oui I'm down

Hercules🐴: yeah what time?

Angelica: yeah it can't be before seven cuz that's when I finish work.

Eliza💙: 8:30?

Alex: sound good.

"Don't you think it's weird they have a bar on campus even to most of the students here are underage?" I ask.

"Man I dunno but it's better then having to get a fake ID" he replies. I laugh.

"John?" I ask seriously, he looks up "do you ever wonder if we're soulmates?" I ask.

"No, I don't wonder. I mean I don't know if I believe in the whole soulmates thing but I know I love you and that we were meant to be together" I replies.

"So you never think about what you'd do if we broke up?"

"Well I try not to. I love you and I can't imagine my life without you" I wrap is arms around my waist.

"I love you too" I smile.

*later that night, at the bar- they all super drunk at this point*

John POV

"Alexanderrr" I say stumbling over to him.

"Shhh I'm in a debate" he replies while staring at a chair.

"That's a chair" I laugh.


"LAFAYETTE!" I yell walking away.

"Oui?" He asks.

"Alex is talking to a chair and I wanna kiss him" I pout.

"Herc won't talk tome either he's talking to people about tailoring or something!" He complains.

"I wanna go home there's so many people and people are gross" I whine.

"Come with me!" He grabs my hand and leads me back up to our dorms. We walk into his and Hercs. I turn around and see him talking off his shirt.

"I- Uh wh-What are you doing?" I and trying not the think about the fact that he's low key really hot.

"I dunno is kinda hot in here and our air conditioner is broken" he replies.

"Lafayette?" I ask, slowly walking over to him.

"John?" He replies.

"C-can I kiss you?" I whisper. He leans down and kisses me firmly, he puts his hand around my neck. I kiss him back. He starts pushing me towards the bed then pushes me down and lays on top of me. He starts kissing down my neck, making me moan softly.

*the next day*
Alex POV

I wake up on the floor somewhere. I look around and see Peggy and Herc near me. I realise we're in mine and John's room but I can't see him or Laf. As I slowly get up my head aches.

"Here" Eliza hands me a cup.

"How long have you been awake and why don't you have a hang over?" I ask.

"About an hour and I made a hang over cure" she replies. I nod and drink whatever the hell was in the cup.

"Hey where's John?" I ask.

"Shut up!" Peggy groans.

"I don't know, try Laf's room"  Eliza suggests, handing Peggy a cup. I get up and walk over to Laf and Herc's room.

I open the door and see some in Laf's bed, I assume him. "Hey Laf have you seen-" I walk over and see John Laying in his chest, both shirtless. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I yell. They both Jump and John falls out of the bed.

John looks around confused then terrified "omg" he looks at me "Alex I swear it's not what you think" he stands up and grabs is clothes. I turn around and walk out trying not to cry. "Alex! Wait I'm sorry let me explain!" He runs and tries to grab my arm.

"Don't touch me!" I pull my arm away.

"I'm sorry! I was drunk! You know I love you!" He pleads.

"You cheated on me! With my best friend!" I yell.

"Wait what?!" Herc asks walking out of my room.

"He and Lafayette fucking slept together!" I yell.

"W-What? N-no! No he wouldn't cheat on me!" He shakes his head. Lafayette runs out of they're room.

"Herc I-" he starts.

"Did you sleep with him?!" He asks starting to cry.

"I-I'm sorry, we were drunk I swear I didn't know what I was doing!" Laf replies walking over.

"How could you do this to me? To us!" Herc runs into they're room and slams the door.

"Alex you know we wouldn't do this on purpose! Please I'm so sorry I love you so much !" John beg.

"Just- just leave me the fuck alone, I can't look at you anymore!" I run into the closet room that not ours and start crying.

"Uh can I help you?" Jefferson asks. Fuck I forgot he lived here.

"No, fuck I'm sorry I didn't realise this was your room" I reply reaching for the door handle.

"Wait, what's wrong? All I hear was yelling and I guess crying, what happened?" He asked, he sound genuinely concerned.

"John fucking cheated on me"

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