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(A/N: New chapter I am not dead just stressed from school. Thanks for continuing to read this book and if there's any mistakes I made you can comment it. I'll do my best to get to it when I can! Now enjoy this chapter!)


Lucy's POV
Once Nastu and I entered the mall waiting for Gray, Juvia, Gajeel, and Levy to show up, the rest of the gang hanged out in the middle center of the mall waiting.

After a couple of minutes the rest of the gang showed up.

"Man, what took you guys so long?" Natsu asked punching Gray in the shoulder playfully.

"We got into traffic and since we were following Gajeel, this metal head lost you guys in the traffic," Gray said glaring at Gajeel.

"Juvia didn't mind getting stuck in traffic with Gray-sama," Juvia said as she clung herself back onto Gray.

"Hey! Not my fault you decided to follow me!" Gajeel retorted back.

"We were going the same place you idiot! It didn't matter anyway!" Gray said growing a tick mark.

      "Gajeel don't temper the Ice princess before he freezes you with that glare of his scolding you," Natsu said as he imitated a mother scolding their children. I let out a soft chuckle. Instead of looking like a mother, he looked like a granny TRYING to find her grandchildren.

      "Quit it Flamebrain, your the hothead," Gray retorted back.

      "Oi I just stated the truth don't go after me you Icicle," Natsu snarled at Gray.

      "Oh I'm sorry, do you want me to throw rocks at you instead?" Gray asked looking at Natsu like he didn't do anything wrong.

      "Why you-," Natsu said about to tackle Gray, but was stopped by a cough coming from the devil herself. Natsu and Gray knowing damn well who that was stopped their actions.

      "That's enough you two. Let's get going before the mall closes," Erza said towering over them pointing her index finger at them. Now that's a mother scolding her children. Mira abs Levy giggled at the scared expression of those two. Sometimes Erza won't even be talking to me and I still get scared to be honest.

      Once we started walking to a store that caught us girls attention, I felt weird. I feel like I'm being watched. From every angle. I slightly turned around or looked around, but nobody was there except for people minding their own business.

      "Is there something wrong Luce?" Natsu asked as he saw me starting to slowly walk behind the group. I snapped out of my thoughts. I really don't want to worry him over something I may have mistaken.

      "Sorry! I'm fine I was just thinking of what we could do with the dorms," I said nervously while rubbing the back of my head.

      "If you say so," Natsu said with a little bit of hesitation in his voice. I walked a little faster to catch up with the group. I'll just ignore this feeling for now. If it gets worst I'll at least have to stay with someone in the group. And if it gets worse than that.....I'll just run. Just kidding I'll just tell them. Although running sounds a good getaway. I read too many books though knowing that it doesn't end well like that.

      We entered the store that caught our attention and Mira turned around to face us.

      "Ok this is how it's going to work," Mira stated. Oh no not again-

      "Erza, Jellal, Laxus and I will search around on the left side of the store," Mira said gesturing her hand to her left side. "And the rest of you will to the other side."

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