chapter 27

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After they came home from the appointment, nothing special happen. They parted their ways and went into their rooms to only come out for the basics.


George woke up around 8am. weird, i'm never up this early? It was his chance to show how much he appreciated Dream. He got up instead of going back to bed, hoping Dream was asleep. To his relief, Dream was fast asleep.

He was never the best at cooking but he would try. He put on the apron Dream had given him and Dreams dramatic chef hat for the effect, he laughed at himself.

He made the avocado toast Dream made that one day, it was fairly easy, except for making the egg to put on top of it. He looked at his egg after attempting to cook it, wasn't the best, but he tried and that's what matters right? Yeah..!

He continued to season it and put sriracha on top of it. That's when he heard Dream waking up, perfect timing,

He quickly set the table and waited for Dream to get himself out his room.

Dream rubbed his eyes as he walked out his room, expecting for George to be fast asleep and to make some breakfast for him. But he was greeted with George,

"Surprise!" George said sarcastically,

"Well look at you, since when can you cook?"

"Since now, be grateful I didn't burn down your apartment and sit down."

"Okay, whatever you say gogy," Dream smirked at George, To which George blushed,

"Blushing now?" Dream pointed it out this time,

George was obviously flustered "Shut up. Sit down and eat you idiot."

Dream obeyed and sat down, he was gonna ask if George needed help again, but before he could let the words out, George nodded. He knew the routine by now, and he was getting better at it.

"Okay, here we go, first bite together in 3...2...1," They took their first bites together, George smiled,

"How's it taste?" George was curious on Dreams critiques,

"It's good, but mines better!" Dream said cockily, obviously being sarcastic,

"Yeah whatever," He rolled his eyes jokingly, They proceeded to eat together, George enjoyed these moments. It was his favorite, he didn't know how to show Dream how grateful he was. George was never good at expressing emotions, and when he did, it usually went wrong. So he stayed out of those situations. But he loved and cherished every single laugh he had with Dream. He prayed it would never end,

He thought about Dream, and couldn't excuse the thought. He tried to push it back, but he knew he wanted Dream, more than a friend.


*after eating*

"Are you doing anything today?" He cleaned up their mess.

Today was the day George would bring Dream to their spot and explain everything, but how? He still had to figure that part out,

"Uh, no I don't think so, why?" Dream cocked his head to the side,

"I wanna go to the place Wilbur took me, it was fun. But except it'd be more fun at night so we can look at the stars!" George exclaimed, trying his absolute hardest to look truthful,

"Someones excited, and sure i'll go. Just give me the directions on your phone." Dream was hoping it wasn't "their spot", it would bring the emotion out of him. I guess they would have to wait.




alsooo have you ate and drank water today? if not please go do, it's important! even if it's a small portion, it's still something:) if you absolutely can't eat something rn, that's fine! but your more than welcome to come back later and try again (: i love and appreciate you more than you know, and always remember i'm by your side and i won't ever leave it! your amazing and absolutely valid, i love you<3

also i think this book will end in the next 2 chapter, but i already have 2 ideas for other books!

have a good rest of your day/night!

(please lmk if i forgot any TW'S and don't be afraid to point out typos!)

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