chapter 4

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(Edited since first published)

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As soon as he closed the door his smiled faded.

George had forgotten that he came in an uber and he didn't have a way home. It was "freezing" outside but he didn't wanna see Dream right now. So he waited outside until his uber would come. George had sat on a ledge, cuddled in a little ball, not far away from Dream  house.

*time pass*

It had been 30 minutes and the uber still wasn't here. He wasn't going to walk home in 55 degree weather.  (I assume that's cold in florida)

(A/N: sorry to confuse about the temperature. I meant 55° Fahrenheit but in Celsius it would be 12°!!)

Maybe Wilbur will come pick me up, he thought to himself. He proceeded to call Wilbur, no answer. Called  him again, no answer. He tried a few more times but eventually gave up. Wilbur was probably still asleep, with some girl in his bed. He finally gave in and went to knock on dreams door.

He walked towards his door with his head down, embarrassed to see Dream for some reason. He knocked and waited a few seconds before Dream answered the door with his shirt half off, struggling to put it back on.

"Welcome back Georgie," Dream chuckled

"Georgie?" George thought to himself.

"Uh," he struggled to get to words out, first of all dream had his shirt half off, now a nickname?

"Come in for a few minutes I know it's "cold" out there." George proceeded to walk in.

"So whatcha need pretty boy?" He wheezed

George blushed without realizing, "I need—"
he got cut off by Dream,

"Why  the blushing George," He pointed out, smirking. He completely ignored him, trying to change the subject,

"I need a ride home, Wilbur isn't answering, and I called an uber 40ish minutes ago and they still haven't come."

"Well instead, we can go somewhere else? We just have to wait a couple hours." He smiled

"Okay?" George replied

*time pass 4-5 hours*

"Hey, I think we're able to go now if you'd still like?"

"Sure," George got up from the couch he'd been sitting on ever since he came back into his house.

"Alright, go into the car, i'll be there in a minute." He handed George the car keys,

He noticed the car key had a mercedes logo on it. Where is Dream getting all this money, he's a college student. Maybe his parents were loaded. He shrugged off the thought and got into the car, it was the nicest car he'd been in.

2 minutes later Dream had finally "arrived",

"Took you awhile." Scolded George in a joking manner,

"Yeah whatever, atleast i'm taking you
you out with me. I would reject to hang out with most, you're special. Be appreciative." He replied jokingly.

George was kind of flustered, "special?" Dream was playing with his feelings, but he's just joking around right? Last night was nothing. They were both drunk so it was on accident right?" he was overthinking it, he tried brushing it off ,

George had once again, zoned out,

"You zone out a lot" Dream chuckled.
George ignored him, once again changing the subject,

"So, where are we going?"

"I don't know Georgie, I guess you'll figure that out soon, won't you?" Dream looked at George with flirtatious smirk on his face, with one hand of the stirring wheel. George blushed once again, and looked out the window to try and hide his face, not responding to Dream

(705 words)


i hope you all enjoyed this chapter, sorry it took awhile to post it but i'll try and right chapter 5 maybe later today, it might be a little short if it comes out today. thank you so much for commenting, even if i dot respond, they always make me smile or laugh. thank you so much, i cant express of much i appreciate all the support.

i hope you have had a good day so far! have you ate and drank water today, if not pleaseee please pleasee go do. if your having a bad day my tt is alinotfounddd! message me if you need to :). it gets better, remember that. ur appreciated and valid! i love you guys more than you know, have a good rest of your day/night!! <33

(if i forgot any triggers please please please don't be afraid to tell me! also sorry if it's messy or there's any typos!)

(i'm so so so sorry, i didn't realize that dream said he didn't want his song in any fanfic because it was close to him. i changed that bit so it isn't apart of the fanfic anymore. if you don't wanna read anymore, i understand. again i'm really really sorry and i apologize.)

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