chapter 23

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"Well obviously it is?"

Should George feel happy for her, or should he still be angry with Serena. He didn't know how to react, so he just ran out, dropping the flowers, but he kept to pizza to eat for himself.

Dream saw George running out of Serena's house and grew a concern.

He rolled down the window, "Dude, are you okay?"

"I don't know", He said getting in the car, titling his head upward toward the car roof. He eventually let the tears finally fall.

Dream still didn't know what happen, "I'm sorry if this is the wrong time to ask, but what happen?"

"Serena..Girl..Bed," He tried to let out words while crying, but that's all that came out.

Luckily for George, Dream understood what George was trying to say, he reached in and hugged George tight, just like how he imagined he would.

"Hey, it'll be okay. You'll find better, I promise" Dream wanted to be the better one, but he couldn't.

He expected Serena to cheat, but not with a girl. He absolutely hated her guts.

How could she hurt someone like George. WHY would you want to hurt George. George is the absolute best thing that has ever happened to me, but he doesn't know that. George is the one thing helping me keep going, i'm holding on by a thread, and George was the only thing from keeping him from falling off that single thread. Dream thought to himself, If only George knew how i really feel. But I cant just tell him, he'll think i'm weird.

Dream wanted to cry with him, but he couldn't because George would ask why he was crying, and he'd have to confess. And he was not ready for that.

He hadn't realized he was still wrapped around George, but he didn't want to let go, before he saw Serena running towards the car.

"oh my fucking god." He wanted to throw all his emotions on Serena.

"George! Please! I'm sorry, it won't happen again, please just forgive me."

But before George could respond, Dream bursted out,

"You know what Serena? Fuck you. I hope you the absolute worse in life. You don't deserve shit. How stupid are to hurt someone like George? George is one in the 7 billion on this earth, and you hurt him? Idiotic if you ask me. Don't ever message,interact, or anything with George, it wont end well. Fuck you and your pathetic ass."

Dream rolled up the window and drove off aggressively. You could feel the tension in the air from how angry Dream was,

"Thank you," George thanked Dream softly, you could still hear the hurt in his voice,

"I'm sorry for everything she put you through, I should've warned you." Dream apologized feeling pity for the brunette.

"You did Clay, I just never took the warnings. I regret that more than anything." George replied,

"Let's just forget about her, andd." He looked around, finding the medium sized pizza box George had set in the back seat, "Lets binge watch some Netflix and eat that pizza?" He tried to make the best out of the situation.

George let out a little laugh, "Sure Dream," He smiled at him, and Dream smiled back.

Dream decided to turn on the radio, and too his surprise it was his own song, Heatwaves.

It slowly started playing, and George felt like it was so familiar, but he had never heard it? Randomly his head started to throb. What is going on-

Dream noticed Georges face looked of physical pain, "Are you okay?", "Yeah, my head just hurts a bit." George answered,


When they finally got home, they slumped on the couch and binge watched "Ann with an e" (go watch it, it's so good),

George absolutely loved the time he spent with Dream, watching Netflix and eating pizza. He felt safe and protected, despite his head still hurting, he was still enjoying every second of Dreams' company.




alsoo, have you ate today? if not go try too, even if it's a small portion, it still counts.<3 if you cant right now, your more than welcome to come back and try again later. you can do this, i know you can. even through rough times i'll still be by your side, and i promise i won't ever leave it. we're going to get through this together. your loved and appreciated by many including me and absolutely valid. always remember that. i love you more than you know. :)

i'll try and write a little bit later, also i do have something else i want to release after this book finishes in a few chapters (: thank you for all the love and support on this book!

have a good rest of your day/night! <33

(if i forgot any TW's please please please lmk! don't be afraid to point out typos aswell.)

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