chapter 24

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TW: medication of some sort.

George woke up with possibly the worse headache ever. Maybe it's from staying up so late last night. But his head hurt before that.

His checkup from the memory dose was in 2 days so he'd figure out if it worked out not.

Maybe that's why my head hurts.

But he didn't remember anything. He decided he would take some medicine to help calm it down.

He slowly got out of bed, holding his hand up to his forehead in pain. Dream was in the kitchen making breakfast. He looked up from his cooking and saw George barley being able to walk from the agony.

He ran over to him and put his arm around his shoulder and helped him walk to the couch.

"George, what's wrong?" he kneeled down to George's height on the couch,

"My head really hurts."

"Here, let me get you some medicine." He got up from his kneeling position and looked in each cabinet for the pain killers.

George noticed Dream had an apron on, "Nice apron," He laughed at how silly he thought he looked,

"No worries, I have one for you as-well  if you like it!" He proceeded to pull out Georges smaller apron from a closet door.

He went over to George and gestured for him to get up, even though it was hard, George still obeyed and stood up.

Dream proceeded to put Georges apron on for him and smile the whole time. "Why are you smiling so much" He laughed again, He loved every single laugh he had with him.

"Because now we both look silly," He let out his tea kettle laugh.

George absolutely loved his laugh. He stared into Dreams eyes as he wheezed. Even though George was colorblind, he knew Dream had beautiful eyes.

Dream noticed George looking up at the taller mans eyes. He looked into his honey glowing brown eyes aswell.

They starred at each other for what seemed like a minute.

George tried to break the silence, "I uh. Still need the medicine." He laughed,

"Ah, right" Dream snapped back into reality and went to go find the medicine.

When Dream started to walk away, things started moving. Not in a paranormal way, in a way where the world was spinning around him.

The dizziness was getting worse and worse, until he eventually passed out.


Whoever was talking was barley audible and sounded if they were across the room,

His eyes slowly opened and he realized it was Clay. He felt weird, he didn't feel normal. Something was different, but he couldn't figure it out.

"GEORGE? CAN YOU HEAR ME ALRIGHT?" George nodded to the question, "DO YOU NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL?" He shook his head no as an answer,

"I'm fine, I just really need sleep." He was randomly exhausted. Hopefully he'd feel better in the morning.

"Okay, here, let me help you get to your bed," He was expected for him to help him by the shoulders, but instead the petit brunette was carried bridal style into his bedroom.

He could feel his face blush intensely, Dream had to have noticed, but hadn't mentioned it.

He set him on the bed, "If you need anything, just call me, alright?" Dream reassured George he was there for him, George smiled and nodded as an answer, he fell asleep faster than he expected.



HII SORRY THIS CHAPTER IS PRETTY SHORT! ALSO HOW WAS UR DAY TODAY, I HOPE IT WAS GOOD<3 message me if u need someone to talk abt it too:)

have you ate and drank water today? if not go try to, even if it's a small portion, i'm still proud of you. if you absolutely can't eat, you are more than welcome to come back later and try. we're going to get through this together and i will never leave your side, i promise:)
i love and appreciate you more than you know<3

have a good rest of your day/night <3

(i'm kinda tired so there might be a few typos i didn't notice, don't be afraid to point them out. also if i forgot any tw's please lmk!)

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