Chapter Thirty-Four

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Sarah's POV

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Sarah's POV

The day of the wedding had arrived and a restless feeling was looming over me. I kept milling over what Louisa said to me. She finally admitted she was in love with Alexander, yet she chose to push it all away and ignore it.

There was no doubt in my mind that Calum had changed for the better, but their relationship wasn't the same. Once upon a time they were madly in love with each other. Calum's stupidity over the years caused Louisa to fall out of love with him.

She found that connection with Alexander, and I'm sure Alexander felt the same. I was determined to find out Alexander's true feelings.

It was a cool and misty morning, a beautiful day for a wedding. It just wasn't the right wedding taking place on this lovely day. Whilst lost in my own thoughts, the phone buzzed.

Checking it, I answer Louisa's call. "Hey, Louisa. You okay? Are you at the venue?"

"Hi. I'm going in a bit. Do you want to go together?" Louisa asked in a low tone.

I could feel the sadness in her voice. I internally groaned, having to lie to her was not the best thing, but it had to be done.

"I've just got a few things to sort out, I'll meet you there?" I replied.

Louise sighed, mumbled a few words and hung up. I let out a stressed sigh, this day was going to be quite stressful and it wasn't even my day.

I got changed into a pair of black jeans and a cream-coloured T-shirt. I tied my hair in a scruffy pony tail, grabbing my dress, I headed towards my car.

Before leaving I hug and kiss my mum, telling her that I'll see her later at the wedding. Whilst sitting in my car, I dialled Alexander's number. Worry was creeping up on me. My legs twitched waiting for Alexander to answer.

When he finally answered, I spoke to him in a very stern and cold tone. "Don't ask any questions. Just tell me where you are. I need to see you."

"I'm at the office," He briefly replied, complying to my demand.

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes." Without another word I abruptly ended the call, throwing my phone on the passenger seat.

I stepped on the gas, zooming down the street. Whilst driving, I continuously tapped my fingers on the steering wheel. My stomach felt like it was upside down, churning around, as if any second vomit would eject out of my mouth.

Hastily I parked my car and stormed all the way to Alexander's office. I was stopped by the locked door, keeping me out of the office. A frustrated growl left my mouth, as I pressed the buzzer waiting patiently.

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