Chapter Eleven

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After arguing with Calum, he barely spoke to me

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After arguing with Calum, he barely spoke to me. Things got heated like it did, but for some reason last night felt different.

A new morning was upon us, he woke up, eat his breakfast and left the house, as usual. I woke up in the morning feeling guilty about what I did last night. Regret seeped and flooded my head.

I felt like I needed to get the regret of my chest. Whilst I drove to work, I made a hasty decision to call Sarah.

"Hey, Louisa." She answered after two short rings.

"Hi Sarah, how are you and how's your mum?" I asked, delaying in what I wanted to tell her.

"I'm good, mum is pretty much the same, she's doing okay."

I stayed silent for a brief while, I was questioning myself, if it was the right thing to do, to tell Sarah, I felt like I needed to.

"Are you on your way to work?" Sarah asked filling the silence.

"Yeah... I am... Sarah I did something really stupid." I winced at my words tumbling out of my mouth.

"What? What is it?" She pondered sounding concerned.

"Well last night Calum and I got into a heated argument-"

"Ugh... What's new?" Sarah interrupted.

"Well, he stormed out and then I was just thinking, you know, about Alexander."

"Louisa, I'm not understanding you, what are you trying to say?" Sarah questioned with slight confusion in the tone of her voice.

"Well let's just say, I was thinking about Alexander and my hands started to explore." I ended my sentence abruptly to see if she understood, I couldn't bring myself to say in full words what I did.

"I don't think I-" Sarah started, but then let out a loud gasp. "No! Don't tell me you touched yourself while thinking about Alexander?"

Hearing her say it out loud made me feel more guilty than I already was.

"I did." I mumbled, wincing at my thoughts.

Sarah started to laugh hysterically. "Oh my... I can't believe it, Do you realise what this means?"

"No? What does it mean?"

"It means that somewhere in that mind of yours you like Alexander."

My eyes widened at the words coming out of Sarah's mouth. Luckily I had arrived at work and I was parked up ready to leave the car.

"You know what I don't even want to hear this, I'm at work now, so I'll speak to you later." I quickly replied.

"Okay then, bye now, don't think too much about Alexander." Sarah teased.

I quickly hung up not wanting to hear another word. I milled over the thought of Calum's behaviour, which felt like it lead me to do what I did.

When I entered the main lobby area there were a few faces I didn't recognise. I had many faces of confusion, I scurried past them keeping my head down.

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