Chapter Twenty-Six

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"These are beautiful, or what about these?" Sarah asked, as she buried her face in a bouquet of flowers

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"These are beautiful, or what about these?" Sarah asked, as she buried her face in a bouquet of flowers.

Her voice felt so distant, as if it was in another room. I was barely paying attention to the different flowers I was surrounded by. Days were going by quick, there was so much to do for the wedding. Calum and I had just about booked our venue, but that was all. My dress wasn't chosen, flower arrangements were not thought of. So much to do in such little time.

When Sarah learnt that I had not done anything, she practically barked at me. She forced me to come to this vintage flower shop on the high street. I felt so disinterested in checking the flowers. I kept on itching my nose, the scent from the flowers was attacking my nose, causing me to sniffle and itch every ten seconds.

"Hello... Earth calling Louisa." Sarah shouted pinching me.

"Ow! You cow! What was that for?" I responded to the sharp scratch I received on my arm.

"We've been here for thirty minutes; you haven't looked at a single bouquet. Come on. Snap out of it and choose!" Sarah shook me.

"I don't know. Just pick any," I exclaimed back, shrugging Sarah off.

"This is your damn wedding!" Sarah shrieked through her teeth.

The owner of the flower shop, stood in the corner, didn't know whether to come to us. Sarah mouthed sorry to her, as we were being slightly loud.

I took my phone and started to take pictures of the different bouquets.

"What are you doing?" Sarah questioned frowning her brows.

"What does it look like?" I sarcastically replied, "I'm taking pictures to show Calum."

"We are looking for the bouquet you're going to hold, it's your choice-"

"And? I want Calum's opinion."

Sarah rolled her eyes at me, letting me carry on with taking pictures. After I was done, I waved to Sarah, for us to leave, the shop felt so crowded by the many flowers dotted around; I was feeling claustrophobic. She mouths 'thank you' and 'sorry' to the owner once again.

Being out in the open, I felt like I could breathe again. It was so cramped, I felt like I was suffocating from the strong scent of the flowers.

"Now what?" I asked taking in the fresh air.

"You are unbelievable. You should be on top of this. You're acting as if this isn't your wedding we are planning." Sarah crossed her arms, nodding her head disapprovingly.

I let out a groan in annoyance. "What? I'm agreeing to your plans, isn't that enough?"

Sarah's eyes soften, she placed her hand on my arm. "You are happy with this wedding, right?"

"Of course, I am. Why would you ask that?" I nervously laughed.

"You don't seem excited. If this was me, I would be non-stop planning."

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