Chapter Twenty

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The sound of my phone ringing blared into my ears

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The sound of my phone ringing blared into my ears. My eyes opened up but not enough to know what was going on. I extended my arm, still flat out on my stomach, I grabbed hold of my phone. I pressed the screen a few times, trying to answer the call.

"What?" I answered in a drowned sleepy tone.

"Good morning to you." Sarah said sarcastically.

"Shit. Sarah. I'm sorry. Good morning." I responded, feeling like an idiot for answering the phone like that.

"Are you still in bed? You do realise it's one in the afternoon?" Sarah questioned, I could feel her eyebrows raising in judgment at me.

Instead of giving her answer, I just mumbled.

Sarah let out a sigh. "Get your arse out of bed. I want to meet up with you."

At this point my eyes were wide open. "What about your mum?"

"She'll be okay for a few hours, also my sister is coming down. So, are you going to get your lazy arse out of bed?"

"Yes." I screamed ecstatically, "Give me an hour."

"Perfect! Meet me at Jo's Cafe."

"Got it. See you later."

"See you later." Sarah chuckled whilst ending the call.

I giggled in excitement at the thought of seeing Sarah, it was something I needed. I pushed myself up from the bed, I turned around to sit. That's when I remembered why I had woken up so late.

My mouth fell open. My pyjamas were on the floor, the top near the bathroom door, my shorts all the way near the window. The bed sheet that was covering me was scruffy, as if a dog came jumping on the bed. I looked down towards my body and gasped at the memories flashing back to me.

Shit! Alexander! I had sex with him! My goodness, I had sex with my boss.

My mind went into panic mode. I looked over towards the right side, the space was empty. His scent still lingering, I inhaled through my nose, remembering every sensation I was feeling last night. I couldn't help but giggle like a little child who had done something naughty.

I then started to overthink. Where has he gone? Did he regret it? How will I be able to work in his presence? I brushed these thoughts out of my head. I got out of bed, when I stood up to walk towards the bathroom, my legs felt like jelly, but the sharp stabbing pain from my foot overtook.

I hopped in to the shower, turning it on the slightly colder side. The cool temperature of the water hit my body, I deeply exhaled, feeling relaxed. I closed my eyes, running my hands through my hair, remembering Alexander's overpowering hands all over me. I giggled once again, shaking my head.

After a good thirty minutes in the shower, I got out and scanned through my clothes. I opted to wear a black high neck blouse, covered in a ditsy floral print. I paired it with light blue jeans. My hair was still slightly damp, brushing the knots, I loosely put my hair into a low bun.

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