Elliot Grew part 2

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a/n hey pandas, idk if you noticed but last update, I was kinda down and stuff but I'm back and not sad at the moment. :) enjoy the second part. Oh, and I might disappear for a while but don't fear, I'll be back.

Elliot Grew POV

After lunch we headed to our classes, I had math and Hazel had ELA. I started to zone out during math and missed how to do some stuff. Once the bell rang, I went to my locker then started looking for hazel.

"hey El" someone says. I spin around. Standing there in her glorious self is Hazel Levesque.

"hey Hazel"

"follow me" she says. She grabs my wrist and drags me out to the main parking lot of Awaves West coast school.

"okay, they said that they would be here in like 5 to 8 minutes and my half-brother brother Nico is giving them directions to here" she says with a smile.

"sick, alright I have two questions "I say and she nods.

"Nico, your half-brother is the kid who wore all black and picked you up from school the other day, right?" I say trying to describe him as emo and without sounding jealous of Nico.

"yeah, he is really sweet and I guess you will formally meet him today" She paused to look at her phone then smiled. "they will be here soon, and I just told them to meet us here" she looked up and signaled around us.

It has been around 15 minutes since school got dismissed the parking lot was almost empty along with the second wave of students.

the first wave of students were early/ on time students that leave right when the bell rings, and the second wave was consisted of extracurricular activities out of school or late students/late parents.

Last but not least the 3rd wave starts in an hour and lasts around 3 hours depending on what you did. The 3rd wave consisted of the detention kids, the really late kids/kids with really late parents or kids with extracurricular activities at school, like sports practice or clubs which could end on different times.

"what's your second question" she asks.

"well, I was wondering if-" I got cut off but a white van swerving into the parking lot. Dang I was going to ask her out

"oh, tell me after. My friends are here"

Out of the white van labeled Delphi's Fresh Strawberries 7 kids come tumbling out. They each introduced themselves one at a time.

"Hey I'm Percy, Hazels' cousin" he held his hand out. The other one he ran through his hair and I noticed a pen tucked in his left ear. His handshake was loose and goofy. I learned how to tell a person by their handshake.

"Hi, Nico, Hazels' half-brother" He gave a nod showed no emotion then stepped back into the line where all of Hazels friends/family stood. He somehow bended in the shadows

"Annabeth Chase, one of Hazels' best friends" she stuck her hand out, gave a small toothless smile and I automatically knew she was a smart and serious person who was a pushover for validation as soon as I shook her hand. Her eyes however held a fear and strength I never knew a person could have.

"Jason, but you can call me Jase. I'm hazes' cousin" He gave me a big smile and held out his hand in a fist bump. He seemed like a decent guy. The thing was everyone I looked at in the line was like a model even Nico.

"so uh, heh I'm Piper Hazels' other BFF." She held her hand out in a high five but it was down low. I went for it. "too slow, sucker"

"Hola soy Leo" (hello I'm Leo). He gave me a large grin, his curly brown hair falling gently over his eyes. I knew kids like this, who thought they were so clever. Sucks for him but I spoke fluent Spanish.

"Hola, soy Elliot. Tengo 14 años y toco la guitarra y me gusta el hockey. ¿Cómo estás?" (Hi I'm Elliot. I am 14. And I play the guitar and like hockey. How are you?) That caught him off guard. I look like a basic Caucasian kid, but my mom is Argentinian and Brazilin. So, I know Spanish and Portuguese. Along with English.

The last person was a buff Asian who scared me. "Hiya I'm Frank, Hazels' boyfriend" I knew from the moment I shook his hand that he was an innocent little cinnamon bun. I knew it was too good to be true. She was perfect, of course she had a boyfriend.

a/n alrighty that's where I left it. Hope you enjoyed might be the last one in a while but I'll be back. Today's question is what's your fav subject in school? Mines probably lunch or math. Ik boring.

word count: 819

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